5. Secrets- Five

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"Shit," I mumbled.

Holly wasn't in bed. In the 57 years we have been together, I always woke up before her. I checked the bathroom, where she frequently spent mornings in the past few weeks, but found it empty.

I spatial jumped downstairs and found Claire watching Saturday morning cartoons in the living room.

"Good Morning, Uncle Five!" She squealed as she ran to give me a hug.

"Good Morning, Sweetheart. Have you seen Aunt Holly?"

"In the kitchen with Mommy,"

I nodded and made my way towards the kitchen, where I heard hushed voices.

"....It's been almost a month," Allison said.

"Yeah, don't you think you should tell Five?" Klaus chipped in.

I could practically hear Holly bite her lip. "Yeah, yeah, I should. I just don't know how. What if he's mad?"

"He's not going to be mad," Allison said. "He loves you,"

Holly sighed. "I just don't know what I'd say, or how to say it."

"It's okay; when the time comes, you'll know what to say."

What's wrong now? She's definitely sick. Oh, God, she's probably dying. That's why she's keeping it a secret. She's probably really, really sick. Then I'll have to watch her suffer. I'm not sure if I can take that.

It was then I decided that enough was enough. I strutted into the kitchen and went straight to the coffee pot. It was still hot.

"Good Morning, Sleepyhead," Holly said warmly.

I sat down at the table and kissed her cheek. "Morning." I kissed her again on the lips, this time with force. As went in for another one, she pushed me away.

"Five," She giggled. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing....just showing that I love you."

"I love you, too."

Klaus cleared his throat. "Excuse me? We still haven't decided who's making breakfast,"

Holly slouched in her chair. "I vote Diego. I could really use one of his cinnamon rolls right now."

"Where is Diego?" Asked Allison.

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