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Sirius Black, mass murderer, out in the open, the newspaper read. Just beneath it was a picture of the man with long black hair. Unkempt beard and shabby clothes from the years in Azkaban.

"Mad-man, I tell you." Mr Diggory said as he helped Mrs Diggory prepare breakfast.

"Sure is! You four better be careful at Diagon Alley today. Straight to the shops and back. Understood?"

"Yes!" said Cordy, Cedric and Rigel as they ate their breakfast.

"Especially you Delia, since you'll be with YOUR group of friends."

"Yes mom. I'll be careful, besides I'll be with the Vervains."

"Like last year, where you were so careful you fell off a boat?"

"Or when you got yourself beat up by our quidditch team."

"Or the time you were casually gonna visit Azkaban."

"Or when you just got caught in a fight with a basilisk."

Cordy flushed at her family teasing her, this wasn't the first time and this wasn't going to be the last.

"I'll be in my room, thank you very much!' she said, swallowing the last of her food.

"But I have your favourite chocolate walnut brownie."

"Oh mother, I was just joking. I shall be extra careful. Please serve me the sweet dessert you speak of." She sat back down, making everyone laugh once more.

Amandine Diggory gave her a look before giving her a single piece of the brownie. "Not any more or you'll get a stomach ache," she said, making Cordy pout.

"Look at you!" Cedric ruffled her hair.


"Mr Vervain, can I go to Ollivander's? My wand has been acting a bit strange and I would like to have it checked out."

"Sure dear."

The group of four entered the old shop that smelled of wood and magic. An old man came to greet them.

"Curious. Very curious indeed." The kids paid no mind to it, they knew that Ollivander himself was a very curious person. "How might I be of help to you."

"Mr Ollivander, my wand took a bit of a fall last year and it's not been working the same since. Could you please take a look?"

"Ofcourse," he said, taking the gray wand.

"It's been through a lot in a year I see, not to worry though. It will be easy to fix. If you wouldn't mind, may I have your wands, Mr Vervain, Ms Brookewater?" The kids nodded.

"Very well," he gave the wands a flick to test their conditions. "Ofcourse dragon heartstring, tough for another to wield but in perfect condition. Now," he seemed to perform a spell with them.

A light emerged from them and Cordy's wand began shaking a bit. Everyone watched on hopeful as the wand seemed to be repairing itself. "Ah!" Ollivander suddenly gasped, and the white light was no more.

"Of course, of course it wouldn't work. Not without the fourth. A pity for it is a fine wand, and in the hands of a person most capable of wielding it."

"Umm... Mr. Ollivander?"

"Yes. Yes, I shall bring you new wands to choose from."

"Mr Ollivander, what do you mean by needing the fourth?"

"The fourth refers to the fourth wand, the fourth wand made of the Antipodean Opaleye's heartstrings." The man took a deep breath gathering the wands, "T'was a rogue of the bunch, had to be killed. Pity, but never had I ever seen a finer heart. Perfect to make four wands. Precisely these three, and one other. Curiously, was sold last year just after you.

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