A sibling pair

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Cordy made her way to the advanced potions she had that day. She realised she'd have class with third years because there weren't enough second years for a whole class.

She recognised Malfoy and a bunch of other slytherins. But her closest friend wasn't there, that was strange no matter how she thought about it. Wendy should've been there.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a Slytherin calling her.

"Wow, you must be crazy good to be here since you're not Slytherin. Can we study together sometime?"

Cordy must have looked extremely confused because the students next words were that of an introduction. "Oh sorry about that, I'm Clarissa Nyx."

"Cordelia Diggory."

"Oh I know. I saw you around last year. So about the study session?"

"I'd love to! But I'm not really sure if I'll be able to anytime soon though these coming few weeks are pretty busy."

"Oh it's okay.  Just hit me up whenever you're free."

"Kay, by the way the seat beside me is free if you're interested."

"Sure! I'll just tell Pansy and be back, she'll be glad to be able to sit with Malfoy."

Professor Snape entered soon after the girl had sat beside her.

"Today is most of yours second class I believe." He looked at Cordy. "Today we shall learn something different, how about our only Hufflepuff choose?"

All eyes were on her, and she had to make a quick decision, "Wolfsbane potion." Huh, why'd she say that?

"Very well then, let us listen to our newest student. Wolfsbane potion, you'll find, is on page 420." A few giggles were heard in the class though Cordy didn't know the reason.

"Wolfsbane potion, as the name suggests, is the bane of the wolfish sides of a werewolf. If taken everyday of the week leading to a full moon is extremely effective in toning the hungry and aggressive sides of a werewolf. However a missed dose could leave the entire batch useless leading to the death of everyone around. While incorrect brewing can lead to the death of the werewolf.

"It also has to be brewed fresh, for every dose as a cold potion does not work." Snape looked at her. "Given the rarity of the ingredients and the complexity of the potion both options become a fairly common occurrence.

"Today I shall be teaching you about the ingredients used, but we shan't brew it for it would be waste indeed."

He began taking them through each and every ingredient and which properties of theirs helped in the potion and correct brewing of it. Overall Cordy felt like this was the most she'd ever learned in class. She'd made a mental note to show the professor her thankfulness.

"Stir clockwise twice and anticlockwise once till your potion emits a faint blue smoke. You have a potion that's well done." He looked at the students intently listening to him speak. "Your homework will be a 12 inch essay on the Wolfsbane potion and any extra points not mentioned will be rewarded."

That was their cue to leave and so the group dispersed off to their dorms next door with very less chattering.

Cordy stepped into her common room finding it empty except for one person. "Hey Delia."

Cordy knew that tone, it was a tone he didn't use often. He rarely needed to.

"Up for a chat?"

She nodded, taking a seat beside him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel stupid, you are not. But I did and so I'm sorry. What I meant was that while you are intelligent, your scores drop for some reason and Snape only takes students based on their scores. Still... at the very least I should've not said that in front of everyone."

"Thanks Ced, apology accepted. Though I'm not really angry with you anymore, haven't been since I woke up. But still thank you for the apology."

"Cool then. So what did you learn in advanced potions today?"

"Wolfsbane potion. And all about it's ingredients."

"Nice, even we have the topic only next year. So that's one thing you know more than me."

"Well I am smarter than you after all."

Cedric gave her a look. "Okay now, Delia I know I called you intelligent but really? Did you really have to say that? Couldn't you have said something along the lines of anything else?"

"Oh dear brother how could I possibly be so outrageous to have said something else, you must pardon your little sister for she is cursed to speak only the truth."

"Oh little sister, I pray for your well-being then, for the lies you have told were but in innocence. May the caster have mercy on my sister."

"Do not tarnish me with false accusations dear brother, for it is a crime against the caster. I pray for thy well being."

"Tis been great chatting with thee. Alas time permits us no more, I shall take my leave my dearest sister."

"Farewell brother."

"You as well, sister." Cordy burst into giggles and Cedric soon followed.

Well, it was a great day.

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