A new life

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Cordy opened her eyes, finding herself inside a hut.

Her head ached… hut... why…

"Ah!" She groaned in pain. Her body felt like it had been crushed by the run down house. As she looked to see any piece of wood fallen on her, she realised there wasn't any, only an extremely torn rag of a jacket.

As she tried to rack her brains as to what had happened she heard somebody knock.

"Ms. Diggory, may I enter?"

Madam Pomfrey… She nodded before realising that the healer couldn't see her.


"Ms Diggory, here is a change of clothes." She said, handing it to the girl. "But before that I will have to check you for any injuries."

As she heard Madam Pomfrey say that memories of the previous night started coming back to her.

Black, Granger, Weasley, Professor Lupin… werewolf.

And then she remembered everything, including the bite. Her hand unconsciously reached for the place.

"Is that where?" Cordy nodded.

Madam Pomfrey, swiftly took out a few potions giving her some to drink and others she applied to the wound.

"This will sting a bit."

Cordy didn't particularly pay any attention to her hand as she drank the potion. Her energy seemed to be returning to her and her head seemed to be getting clearer as well.

"Madam Pomfrey, can I have a bath first?" She shook her head.

"Not a full bath but, you can clean yourself with water and sponge before wearing your clothes."

Cordy nodded.

"Would you rather do it yourself or let me help you?"


Madam Pomfrey left the girl, and Cordy began wiping herself down. Surprisingly enough she wasn't as dirty as she thought she would be. After cleaning herself up she wore the clothes that Madam Pomfrey had left for her. They were her clothes, she noted.

"Madam Pomfrey, you can come in."

"Hmm any more bruises?" She asked, looking over at her and found some rough scratches. After treating them with some sort of a salve Madam Pomfrey nodded to herself.

"Good. Now, Hooky, can you take this young miss back? Gently please."

Hooky, Cordy realised was an house elf. Hooky grabbed her hand and took her back, using apparation. And try as Hooky might apparation could not be gentle.

Cordy felt her bones cracking under the pressure of apparation. And she did not like it. She seemed to have apparated right inside Professor Dumbledore's office and found a lot of people in the room.

She steadied herself and saw Professor Snape, Professor Lupin and Professor Dumbledore inside.

"Miss Diggory…" Professor Dumbledore started. "How are you currently?"


"Understandably." He handed her a glass of water.

She gulped it down and thanked the headmaster.

"Now, Ms Diggory, I assume you know what happened last night?"

"Not entirely."

"Care to elaborate?"

The girl launched into an account of what she remembered from the previous night starting from her cat in the library.

"And when I woke up I was in the shack, and Madam Pomfrey found me there."

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