A day of not so regular classes

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Compared to last year this year was quiet, or it was supposed to be.

Cordy thought walking through the hallways. Ever since the tryouts rumours were floating around like ghosts. She'd become a celebrity overnight particularly with the first years who were at her beck and call.

"Cordy Diggory, let us carry your bag for you."

"You know, as a Diggory, I think it was only a matter of time before this happened." Ginny said laughing as Cordy gave her bag up. She'd tried to fight for a week but then realised it was easier to just give up.

"So when are the tryouts results?"

"Oh September third week."

"Cordy, today is already September fourth week. The results are already up!"



"Wait, why didn't Ced tell me?"

"He certainly didn't tell me the reason."

"Thank you very much."

"You're welcome. Also, this is my stop." Ginny said getting into a classroom. "Bye."

"Bye." Cordy made her way to the transfiguration class. Ever since the one night of tremendous studying, on which she hadn't understood much anyway, Cordy hadn't really touched her transfiguration books, and so not really improved. She walked to the class dreading it.

They were supposed to be transfiguring rabbits into slippers. And even her button was still mediocre. On top of that she didn't understand.

"Professor, don't rabbits have souls too?" She asked raising her hand.

"Yes Ms Diggory, they do."

"Then what happens to the soul when we transfigure them?"

"That Ms Diggory, is out of the scope of second years. However, if you so wish, I shall answer it after class."

"Thank you Professor." She got back to her rabbit, deciding to try calming it down first.

She started petting it hoping with every fibre that it would work. But it didn't, she was left with slippers that had the head of a rabbit while the body of a slipper.

She almost screeched and took it to Professor McGonagall at once who gave her a disapproving look.

"Sorry, Professor." She looked down before realising something. "Does this mean you won't tell me about my query?"

"I will Ms Diggory."

"Thank you so much Professor!"

"You may return to your seat now."

Cordy took the rabbit back and handed it to Wendy. "Wendy, can you please help me calm him."

"Actually, that's a her. Also yes."

"Love you."

"I know." The rest of the class, was spent on calming the rabbit down and another try which she failed. Professor McGonagall fixed her again, just at the bell. "I shall call for you when I have time to explain," she said.

"Okay professor."

The moment professor McGonagall left though, rabbits seemed the least of her concern. With a gibberish message to Wendy she ran to the Hufflepuff common room.

Doing a front flip over the potted plants at the centre she reached the board. Her eyes scanned the board for the notice about quidditch players and when she found it she nearly squeaked.

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