The train is an eventful place

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"Hey guys!" Ginny said, being the last one to enter the coach. "Had a fun summer break?"

"You ask as though we weren't owling each other just yesterday." Wendy said.

"So staying with Harry huh?" Hyacinth smirked, making Ginny blush.

"Hey, now don't tease the poor girl. Let her rest," she engulfed Ginny into a hug. "She must already be tired from running in Potter's brain all the time." She completed making Ginny push her away and the other two high-five her while dying laughing. They were well aware of Potter asking for Weasleys red-faced just like they were aware of him running to her in the chamber.

"Come on guys!" Ginny tried to calm them. "He was asking about Ron!"


"You know guys can like guys."

"They can, but no offense Ginny, Ron and Harry are not in love." Wendy said in between laughs.

"Okay anymore laughing and I'm not supplying my wand for the spell." That shut the girl right up, and the other two quieted down soon as well.

"Good. Now that we're all listening I think we can cast the spell now." She took her wand out. "I've been practicing over the holidays so this should be fine."

Following her everyone took their wands out and Cordy placed hers in the centre.

"Reparo Intima!" The other three cast and there was a light from the wands again. Magic flowed through to Cordy's wand levitating it a few inches above the ground. They continued with the spell unsure of when to stop. The wand rose and soon hovered upright. Soon there was a warmth in the compartment and suddenly a flower bloomed from the wand.

"I've seen that flower!" Hyacinth suddenly exclaimed, breaking the connection as he lost his concentration. "That's a Rowan flower, Ollivander wrote about it in the book he gave us." He searched his bag and took the book out.

"Look! He's mentioned a lot of things in it including about dragon heartstrings, what I assume to be our wand woods and everything he's ever found out about them." The boy then read out loud—

"Dragon heartstring— this core as a rule produces ‘wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be the easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.’

"Next he mentions our wand woods, Sycamore, which is mine; Rowan, Cordy's. Apple I believe is Wendy's and Yew should be Ginny's." The girls nodded surprised at how he knew.

"He's described the traits of the people these wands are attracted to and I just guessed. Your expressions give your thought away.

"Anyways moving on, for my wand he says– woah!" The boy said falling forward because of the sudden break. Cordy giggled at the sentence formed though making Hyacinth hurriedly clear up, "No he doesn't say that, I said that because of the break." But this doesn't help and only makes them laugh more until they feel a sudden chill.

They look around to see what's happening to find the flower covered in frost. And suddenly they couldn't see. The lamps seemed to have been put out making it colder than before.

"Why…" Ginny asked, rubbing her hands together.

"I don't know… but there's another chill in the air, the scary kind." Cordy said.

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