The not so fair tryouts

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The whole week Cordy spent rushing to the training grounds to break into her new broom. It was the second best model in the market, a Nimbus 2001. She was ecstatic, and that was easily visible to Hyacinth, Wendy and Ginny as she flew over the black lake even on the d-day of the tryouts.

"Woohoo!" She exclaimed as she did a full three sixty degree turn brushing past the water. A laugh bubbled out of her as she felt the cool water drops trickle down her from the stunt from before. She hadn't felt so good in ages.

"See you after tryouts!" She shouted as she zoomed past them and high into the sky.

"Quidditch genes run in the family." Hyacinth noted as he watched her form disappear into the sky.

Cordy was the second to arrive at the pitch after her brother.

"I'll be in your care, captain!" She said as she landed.

"Ah about that Cordy. I'll be extra rough taking your trials. Everyone says that since we're family I might be partial to you. So your tryouts will be tough and the others will decide for you."

"Who was it?" Cordy asked, suddenly becoming very defensive. She knew her brother was popular and everyone trusted him. So this made no sense.

"Cordy no."

"Ced, yes. Someone who doesn't think you will be fair shouldn't be allowed to play under you."

"Cordy trust is the base for any team and it is built over time."

"Trusting a captain should be a given. If Hooch has chosen you then to not trust you is to not trust her either. How does the person play when they don't even trust the referee?"

"Regardless, I'd be more than happy to accommodate and you will too as your future captain this is my order. Besides, the captain is selected by Dumbledore."

"Oh. Then I don't blame whoever doesn't really trust you." She deadpanned to get a very indignant hey from her brother.

"I don't doubt you, I doubt Dumbdoor."


Soon the rest of the students, which was a larger number than Cordy had expected, gathered and Cedric walked to the front.

He gave them a once over  before starting to speak. "Hey guys, you're all here for tryouts I believe." Everyone gave a firm nod and Cedric sighed, he personally walked to a few people before picking them out and kneeling to face them eye to eye.

"You're first years aren't you?" They nodded shyly. "There's a rule in Hogwarts that you can't be a part of the team until next year. You can wait a year can't you?"

The group of first years nodded again.

"Run along then, you can go to the astronomy tower and watch if you'd like." So that's what they did with disgruntled voices that is.

The crowd was down by five people.

"Like last year, I'll be playing seeker, so there'll be no tryouts for seeker positions." A single person dropped out.

Cordy recognised the Hufflepuff to be Dave Youngblood and shuddered.

"Perfect, now we'll start with a basic flying test. Groups of six, you choose." He said, getting on his broom while people shuffled around to find people they knew. Cordy wondered what the deal was with this but didn't have to wonder for long.

"He's got tons of fans." A boy moved next to her. "Flock to the trials not knowing shit. Last year was worse, almost all the Hufflepuff was here. Diggory does this flying test to eliminate 'em. Works wonders, strangely enough.

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