The badgers lose to their seniors

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She had run back to the common room to find it filled with people. Searching through the crowd for her brother, she almost jumped on him.

"Oh Delia, perfect! I was looking for you," he said, bringing her to a stop. "Here," he held out what looked like robes."Your Quidditch jersey." In that moment, she'd completely forgotten why she was searching for her brother, it didn't matter though because she tackled him into a hug anyways.

"Woah there Delia, careful." Cedric said ruffling her hair leaving tons of people stunned. "Practice is in half an hour."

"Okay, let me fetch my broom!" She said sprinting off only to hear a distant shout from her brother.

"I said there's half an hour left!"

Oh well.

She put the paper on her desk — wait paper?

"Oh!" She got her broom and rushed back the flight of stairs to the crowded room bumping into a few people on her way before coming to a stop in front of Cedric, who it seemed was done with his Quidditch captain duties and was on the couch.

"Ced, guess what!"

"You grew horns?"

"No!" Any other time she might have replied sarcastically, but not today. "I got an advanced potions recommendation! Look!" She thrust the form in his face getting a muffled scolding from him.

"Oh sorry, here." She placed it in his hand instead.

"Oh." He read it. "How?" Cedric looked genuinely confused. "Your grades are below Snape's qualification criteria."

"Okay, what is today? Make Delia feel like crap day." At this her brother slightly became wide eyed before controlling his expression. "I get it. I get that my grades are terrible but why has every human taken it upon them to remind me?" She snatched the form back and huffed away.

She was back pretty soon, this time in a contrastingly sour mood. Not waiting for her brother she went ahead to the field flying for the entire time before the practice.

"So, your first practice as a team is today, I could give you a pep talk but not if you're not interested." Cordy heard her brother say. She had come to the tent when it was time. Afterall her annoyance with her brother was not greater than her love for Quidditch.

The room cheered for the speech and Cordy suspected it was less about the speech. The past week had been… enlightening.

"Well first of all, everyone knows eachother?" There were thirteen nods.

"Well today is the first day. We play a friendly against each other, assess strengths, weaknesses but most importantly have fun. Got it?"

The group replied YES in a singsong voice, as though they were answering a teacher in their first grade.

"Good! Let's go!"

So saying he took his broom and thirteen people followed.

At his signal two teams flew into the air and the game had begun. The reserve team was made of the previous year's members except for Cedric.

And two minutes into the game Cordelia was questioning how this year's team had even been selected when the previous year's was so good.

She and her partner were panting 10 minutes into the game, while the other beaters by the looks of it were laughing at their pathetic state. Cordy had half a mind to give a talking to the seeker right then when she had to dash to the other end  of the stadium again. And again, and again.

It was a good one hour fifty minutes before the snitch was finally caught at which Cordy went into a free fall pulling herself up at the last moment before plopping on the ground.

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