Madam Pomfrey accepts defeat

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Before they knew it, it was already the quidditch match.

"Guys, we were not supposed to play today, and today's conditions are less than ideal."

"I'd say they are terrible." Ernie pointed out only to be glared at by Emma Parkin.

"But, you know, they don't know anything about our playing style, we have the advantage of a surprise on top of having the best team we've had in years. No matter what, we've worked hard day and night and well we've had fun most importantly. So we got this."

"For Hufflepuff!" They all cheered.

"Okay! Now, does anyone need help with your glasses?" Cedric said, scanning the crowd.

Cordy came forward.

"Delia, you don't wear glasses."

"No… but I wear clothes and wet clothes are heavy and I don't want to carry a heavy robe along with a heavy bat."

So Cedric impervioused everyone's Quidditch robes and they went to the ground.

The wind made them stagger and Cordy didn't know how she was going to prevent herself from flying away.

She looked at her brother go forward and shake hands with the Gryffindor team's captain. Ced smiled at the stoic faced captain who just nodded. Well so much for manners.

Soon Madam Hooch gave them the green signal and they mounted their brooms.

They kicked off into the air and Cordy and Stella split into opposite directions quickly scrounging the field for the bludgers.

Cordy soon found one and locked her target, the Gryffindor chaser waiting for the quaffle, the only player that was visible in the storm. She zoomed in on the ball and hit it towards the girl (with much less precision than she liked due to the turbulence) but atleast it hit the mark enough for her to miss the oncoming quaffle.

She dived after the bludger again, this time, keeping track of the quaffle and hit the bludger towards the person trying to intercept it.

The game went on and every passing minute made the storm worse. The sky was turning darker by the second and the visibility decrease was not making it easy, she had to keep track of every player in her radius along with where different balls were and not having visibility was well, a major hindrance.

Fred or George, whichever twin was defending against her, was worse off with his clothes soaked to the bone but he was still putting up a fight and a very good one at that. He was on her tail and the chase to the bludger was a nerve racking one.



And fast—

Suddenly there was a whistle, from somewhere above her making her come to an abrupt stop. Madam Hooch was signalling a time out.

The girl slowly descended and regrouped under a huge umbrella where Cedric debriefed them of the situation.

"Wood took time out. Gryffindor are leading fifty - zero but I suspect their seeker is having problems. Jamie, let's try to focus more on the goals and the chasers, buck up. We've got to give it our all! Got it?"

The group nodded.

"Then let's go!'

"Let's go!" The team shouted and kicked off their brooms once more.

The game was getting rougher, with the storm turning into a thunderstorm. The game had to end quickly.

"Cedric..." She muttered as she threw a bludger at Potter, that he unfortunately dodged. Seconds later she saw her brother who gave her a nod. She nodded back and saw him suddenly go into a climb. She saw the snitch straight ahead her brother and searched for the bludger to throw at Potter once again.

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