I hope you don't kill me for this one

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It was already mid June and things were relatively more peaceful than the past few months.

Cordy had less Quidditch practices now that their last match was over. They'd lost against Slytherin but their performance had tremendously improved.

Her advanced lessons in potions had come to a complete stop, since there was another attack from Black, a few weeks ago.

Professor Lupin had also stopped their lessons since her patronus was enough to defend herself.

Well there were the exams coming up so atleast her study life was more hectic.

"Cinth! Save me!" Cordy said from behind her pile of two books.

"I literally gave you my notes. What more do you need me to do, read it for you?"

Cordy looked at him expectantly only to be disappointed.

"Alright! Done with this theory." Wendy said.

"Hey, you don't think werewolves will actually be on our course do you?" Ginny asked, going crazy at the enormous essays on the creature. "It's getting a bit gory for me."

"No! Professor Lupin already said it was not in our syllabus."

"What? I've been killing myself for nothing?" The other three laughed at the girl.

"Oh, Lune?" Cordy suddenly said looking at her cat. The cat seemed distressed. "Guys, I think Lune needs something, I'll be back soon."


"Go ahead!"

"If you don't come back today evening I'll get pretty convinced you're a werewolf."

"Be careful then, if you find out. You will be next!" She left the giggling bunch to study as her cat urged her infront of a statue of a single eyed witch. The cat handed her a paper with an extremely strange word written on it and if her experience with paper bits was anything to go by, it was some sort of password to the witch.

"Dissendium..." She read off and just as she expected it was indeed a password to… some sort of passageway. She stepped into the now half open witch. She probably shouldn't have, but her thinking skills were clouded because cat.

As she followed her cat purely based on her mews, her heart rate started increasing. Maybe she was a bit scared now, but she had no way back. After a long long walk, or that's how it felt, Cordy found herself in some sort of cellar. It was filled with candies of all sorts and seemed an awful lot like the infamous honeydukes chocolate. Following her cat up a trap door her suspicions were confirmed, as she found the brownie bunnies right next to her.

It was pretty late, since the shop was closed, latched from the inside. Cordy followed the cat out, now positively scared but with definitely no way of going back. She walked through the deserted streets, courtesy of Sirius Black and dementors (according to her brother).

"Lune?" She finally asked but the cat didn't respond and just stood in front of an extremely rundown hut. With no choice but to trust her cat she entered the hut.

Big mistake.

There inside the hut stood an extremely shabby man, bearing a maniacal grin. "Oh you're the help he brought? You look a little too small though."

Immediately she took a defensive pose.

"Back off. I'm not helping the likes of you — Ah!" Shit not right now. Walking around so much today was an extremely terrible idea. She buckled over in pain.

The man dashed to her only to be stopped by a protective spell she'd cast instantly.

"Um… Miss young lady. You are not my target. Tonight I have only one target, can you please let me help you? Though I was the one who needed help."

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