Cordy becomes a werewolf

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It was on Halloween that professor McGonagall finally found enough time to take a class for Cordy.

"Take a seat Ms Diggory." She gestured in front of her. "Are you ready for today's class?"

The girl nodded.

"First let me apologize again for such a delay in being able to answer your questions, I've been extremely busy and if not for today's hogsmeade trip combined with halloween today might not have been possible either.

"Now, your question was what happens to the soul when things are transfigured."

Cordy nodded again.

"Have you heard of apparition? In apparition while almost instantaneous, our bodies do disintegrate into nothing. At that particular moment with no body to house our souls, it turns into air. It's present everywhere and yet it's not present anywhere. Just like how air is everywhere but you cannot feel it.

"Things do not stop existing; they merely change their form. A rabbit turned into a slipper is everywhere, meaning it feels no pain. But only if the rabbit was fully turned, a half turned being should never be used, for it will hurt the creature.

"Did you catch that?"

"I did."

"Then would you like to try casting again?"

She cast the spell, only to get the same result as last time.

"Your pronunciation is wrong, Ms Diggory. Try it again with the correct pronunciation."

Another rabbit head with a slipper body.

"Ms Diggory, the way you are pronouncing it is going to lend you these results again and again, because that's what your spell does." She sighed. "It's Crepida verto, not crapide verto. Try again."

"Crepida Verto!" The rabbit changed, and this time it changed perfectly. Where there was a rabbit now lay a single fur slipper.

McGonagall looked stunned before composing herself. "Lovely Ms Diggory. Don't let your initial attempts get you down, you did wonderfully at the last try."

"Thank you professor McGonagall."

"I think that concludes today's lesson. Be on your way now, after all you've got a feast in a few hours."

The few hours soon changed into a few minutes and Cordy made her way to the great hall completely unsuspecting of the storm that was brewing.

The moment she stepped into the great hall she was surrounded by a group of third year ravenclaws.

"Would you like to sit with us?"

"Um… I actually will be sitting with my friends."

"Oh we already asked Hyacinth, he gave us the green signal." Cordy was shocked, usually this excuse worked.

"Actually… I meant my Hufflepuff friends. You see, Halloween is kinda family time."

"Oh come on, you'll be with them after the feast."

"Sit with us this once."

"But Luna will be there too!"

"She can sit with us as well." Okay they didn't seem like they were going to concede this time softly.

"No just no. I've said it before we can meet the Library but I like to eat with my friends alone."

"Diggory, once? Just once."

And against her will she was herded to sit with the group. The only good thing was that they atleast did let Luna join them. Over the month Luna had become a very good friend and her being here right now meant a lot.

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