Their second loss

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Cordy was back. And she'd finally gotten a message from Professor Lupin about extra classes. The first one was supposed to be on… the same time as Professor Snape's advanced class.

She'd have to talk to him.

"Professor, I have a few doubts," she said as her next defense against dark arts class ended.

"Yes Cordy?"

"I actually wanted to talk about the extra lessons today. The day you've asked of me, collides with Professor Snape's advanced classes. If we could reschedule…" she paused to see his expression sour for a moment. She was surprised, she was beginning to think nothing got under his skin.

"Let me check my schedule, Cordy." Professor Lupin said composing himself.

"Ah yes I'm free, day after tomorrow at 6:30."

Cordy panicked, she had Quidditch practice that day. Their match against ravenclaw was drawing near. How was she supposed to tell that?

"Oh. Does that not work either? Let's see then. How does overmorrow sound?"

Over– what?

"The day after the day after tomorrow." He explained looking at her confused expression.

The girl vehemently nodded, getting a date that worked.

"Great then!"

The next few weeks of Cordy's were extremely busy, juggling Snape's lessons, quidditch practice, taking care of her mandrakes and not to mention Professor Lupin's lessons. They seemed like the easiest part though, since she had yet to perform the spell on an actual dementor she was doing pretty well; within a few weeks she'd gotten an 'incorporeal patronus'.

According to Professor Lupin it was an amazing feat and would protect her from a couple of dementors if need be.

She was ready for her match against the Ravenclaws.


She stood once more in her Quidditch uniform as her brother went to shake hands with the captain of Ravenclaws, Roger Davies.

Madam Hooch's whistle was heard and fifteen brooms kicked into the air.

Much more prepared than last time, and with clearer conditions to play in, Stella and Cordy were doing a phenomenal job of blocking and hitting the bludger back. But even their phenomenal performance couldn't do anything for the fact that both their keeper, and one of the seekers were doing an equally terrible job. Both of them seemed out of it, and Stella was growing worried by the second about her friend, ten minutes into the match Ravenclaw was leading by 60 points.

As the match went on, Stella's performance was decreasing too, and soon enough Cedric had to call for a timeout.

"Something is up with our players, they don't seem to be feeling well." He told the others.

"Can you continue playing or do we need the backup team?" He asked them. Asking for a backup of three players was gonna take a blow to the moral but anything for the team.

Jamie was the first to speak. "I'm sorry I can't."

Ernie decided to opt out as well.

Cedric asked for their back ups and Cordy thanked her stars that she wouldn't have to play with someone else.

"Stella, let's do this!" She told the older girl who smiled.

The match began again but by now the lead was of a hundred and thirty points.

They could still win, but a lot of it depended on Cedric.

Cordy and Stella's performance was back up and with the change in the roster the Hufflepuff team was getting back into the game.

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