New teachers, old lessons; old teachers new lessons

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Lessons started the next day. Just like last year their first subject was the same and just like last year the teacher had decided on pixies. But unlike last year, this year the teacher had gotten straight to the point.

"Good morning, I see you haven't taken your books out." A few students hurried to get their books out. "Good, we'll be using wands only today."

"Today's lesson will be on pixies." This elicited a gasp from the students. Everyone had heard of the pixie disaster from last year, and the weak and shabby looking man in front of them was not giving them much confidence.

Their confidence further dwindled when Peeves suddenly entered the classroom singing ‘Loony, loopy Lupin, Loony, loopy Lupin –’ Peeves had never made fun of even Lockhart so to make fun of this teacher it wasn't comforting. Moreover, it must've upset him. They looked at the man expecting a frown.

To their surprise though the man turned to the Poltergeist smiling. "Peeves, I suggest you improvise your melody. The current one lacks feelings, wouldn't you say?"

Peeves continued on without a care in the world as if the professor was air. 'Loony, loopy Lupin –'

"If you insist Peeves," he turned to the class. "Brilliant spell for people who don't know nonverbal magic."

"CANTIS RANAE!" He pointed at peeves and the song changed. Croaks replaced words confusing peeves. The Poltergeist tried to speak but only another croak was heard.

"Now you might have a chance at Professor Flitwick's frog choir." He chuckled as Peeves croaked angrily what were most probably a string of curse words and flew away.

"Who'd like to volunteer bringing pixies with me?" The whole class suddenly volunteered, they were dead wrong about the professor.

"Two people only. Cordy and Hyacinth if you will." The two followed him out and once they were out it didn't feel like it was a coincidence he picked them. And they were right, as they found out when he spoke up.

"Are you better now?"

"Very much! Thank you professor."

"That's splendid then."

"What was the spell you used, Professor. You shouted something and a white dog burst out of your wand. It was so cool," Hyacinth asked. He was geeking out.

Professor Lupin smiled, a smile that didn't reach his eyes. His eyes, Cordy noticed, were hollow and against the smile they looked almost non existent. She'd dare say that he looked worse than the mass murderer on the news, Sirius Black. "The patronus charm, Mr Vervain. It is a highly advanced magic that requires a lot of skill along with one's most precious moments. It embodies that happiness which the dementor then feeds on instead of the person."

"Does everyone's take the shape of a dog?" Cordy asked.

"Not really it takes the shape of the animal you are most like."

"Your fursona!" She shouted, making Lupin nearly choke on air.

"More like an animal that represents you." He tried to correct the girl but she seemed too deep in.

"Here we are." He opened the door to his cabin and the two went in. They grabbed the cage with pixies and made their way back.

Just before entering the class he covered the cages. "Now, who knows what pixies are."

A few hands went up along with Cordy and Hyacinth. "Yes –" he pointed to the Hufflepuff that Cordy remembered had saved her last year.


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