Chapter 1: Steps into Darkness

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The raid on the ISB base was a resounding success. With Jinx cutting off their communications, the Imperials found themselves outnumbered and outmatched. After Ezra and Phoenix Squadron quickly destroyed the fighters on patrol and on the ground, the Ghost dropped the strike team, which make short work of the small group of regulars defending the structure. The surprise was total for the Imperials, who didn't expect the rebels to know about the base. Jaral easily reached the mainframe, downloaded all the secrets she could store in her data-tapes and then the strike team left after their engineer placed a bomb in the central reactor, obliterating the base.

The rebels had only suffered a loss, a soldier of the strike team was hit at the right leg, but luckily he was evacuated, and patched at the base.

Ezra had been particularly skilled at the commands of his A-Wing. The anger he bottled up for months giving him focus and quick reflexes that impressed the rest of the pilots.

However, when they got back at the base, he saw Jaral looking at him when she was leaving the Ghost.

Her gaze seemed...worried. He looked back, trying to inquire, but she had quickly left, without talking to him and with such a if she was afraid.

'But of what?' Ezra continued to torment himself with that question. Was she really afraid of his power? But he had become a Jedi way before her and he was already way more proficient in the use of the Force than her, so what had changed now?

The thought didn't cease even during the debriefing, which was short anyway. Ezra didn't even bother to take part in the celebrations for the victory and instead headed straight for his cabin.

Someone else, though, noticed the boy storming out: Mira.

The woman decided that this was enough. She was going to solve the rift between her children, one way or another.

She looked around in search of her daughter, but only found Darvos, so she approached him.

"Lieutenant." she said respectfully.

The young man turned around and was a bit surprised. "Mira. What can I do for you?" he said politely.

"Have you seen Jaral?"

"I think she's in her room right now. Analyzing the data we found."

"Good. Can you please bring me to her?" Mira said with a collected face.

"I...I'm not sure she wants to..."

"Darvos. Bring me to her. Now!" the woman replied. She had her mind set on the goal, and no one would stop her.

The Lieutenant startled for a second, then sighed amused. "Like mother, like daughter..." he commented. "Follow me."

Mira was led through the barracks to the small rooms reserved for the officers. Darvos stopped in front of his and Jaral's and motioned the woman to do as she pleased.

She knocked on the durasteel door.

"Yes?" the muffled voice of Jaral came from the other side.

"Jaral, it's me." Mira replied. "Can I come in?"

Jaral hesitated, but in the end she accepted. "Sure."

Darvos pressed the button and opened the door, though he stayed out of sight.

Mira walked in, finding Jaral sat at the chair in front of the small desk. A holo-projector was on the latter, showing various documents and schematics.

The girl moved the chair so she would face her mother.

"Hey." Jaral said, trying to sound friendly, but Mira could read the conflict on her face.

Saga of the Bridgers-Year 3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora