Chapter 17: Legacy of Mandalore

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As Sabine asked, Ezra held her through the night, never letting his hands away from her body as they spent the night with unprecedented passion until they both passed out from exhaustion.

Thanks to his metabolism, Ezra woke up first. His clock said they had slept for 5 hours and there were still 2 until the established hour for departure. Sabine was still sleeping, her arms tightly wrapped around him, and he didn't dare to wake her up. Just like her, he wanted to savor this moment for as long as possible. He was content enough with holding her until the time arrived.

The alarm finally set off, making Sabine lazily wake.

"I want more time." she sighed.

"I know." he replied tenderly. "But duty calls."

Besides, he noticed through the bond that Jaral was almost done consuming breakfast in the Ghost's kitchen (because they had decided to travel with the Phantom) and Rau was probably with her, defining the last details of her plan.

When the two were done washing and dressing up, they headed to the kitchen as well, except that Jaral and Rau were already in the common room, and decided to make a quick match at Cubikahd as they waited for the lovebirds.

Eventually, the match was still in full swing when Ezra and Sabine came out and Jaral decided it was time to go. Hera and Kanan arrived just in time to bid them farewell and leave Chopper with them to help with the shuttle.

The group of two Jedi and two Mandalorians left the planet just as the base started to get bathed by the local star. Jaral was piloting with Ezra as co-pilot, both had their armors materialized so they could exploit the instruments inside of it.

Two hours later, the Phantom came out of hyperspace in front of Sabine's homeworld: the snowy planet of Krownest. Covered in a white mantle, but there were still dense forests on the surface which made the air breathable.

"Welcome home." Sabine commented when she saw the planet. Right now she was standing between the two seats of the siblings, as she would need to stay close to the comlink.

"You really think is gonna be that bad?" Ezra asked.

"I haven't been back to Krownest since before my time at the Imperial Academy, Ezra. And I haven't exactly left on good terms." Sabine explained a bit disheartened.

Ezra reached her hand and squeezed it gently. "Well, maybe things have changed." he said encouragingly. "Maybe they'll at least give you a chance to explain."

Sabine chuckled nervously. "You don't know my family."

From the backseats, Rau spoke. "I do. Your mother is the leader of Clan Wren, Sabine. She may be with the Empire now, but I believe her true loyalty lies with Mandalore."

"Even if that were true, she considers me a traitor." Sabine insisted.

"If you can convince your mother to support the rebels, all of Mandalore might follow you and the Darksaber."

Sabine reached for the saber, attached on the right side of her belt. "Ah, I should let them know we're coming so they won't shoot us down."

"Fascinating prospect..." Jaral mumbled.

As the shuttle entered the atmosphere and flew toward the coordinates that Sabine provided, crossing thin clouds, Sabine opened a channel with the central stronghold of Clan Wren.

"Greetings, Clan Wren." she said in Mando'a. "This is Sabine Wren. Requesting permission to land."

There was a brief silence.

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