Chapter 19: Secret Cargo

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Kallus was indeed very surprised to find out what had become of the Seventh Sister that he knew. The Mirialan now had a regular color of eyes and while she didn't lose her cutting tongue, she was friendlier. Her lightsaber, now in pure white, seemed to Kallus a good metaphor for her redemption and he hoped to live up to the expectations that the rebels had put on him too.

Nimbus made some questions to Kallus, using the Force to sense every hint of deceit, and had her men make a total scan of the former Agent's body, to make sure he hadn't any hidden device. To the rebels' delight, Kallus was now 100% on their part and he wasn't hiding anything.

Nimbus' group got rid of his uniform, giving him some clothes. Not exactly fashionable, but practical nonetheless. After that, the rebels transported Kallus to Atollon, where there were mixed reactions.

Jaral greeted him cordially. After all, if Nimbus had managed to abandon the Empire, why shouldn't Kallus? Sato and Darvos decided to wait and see if he was being sincere. Zeb, on the other hand, greeted him like an old friend. For the time being, anyway, Kallus was to stay into the base and away from the sensible areas until Sato decided otherwise.

To show his commitment, Kallus started to list everything he knew about the Imperial forces on Lothal and the sector in general, all intel that might prove interesting for the upcoming strike.

Even if the extraction of Kallus was an important success, because now the Empire could not use him to threaten the security of the rebel base again, it also meant that the rebels no longer had eyes and ears inside the Imperial Command on Lothal, which was a disadvantage for the rebels, since until now they had a fair advantage in intelligence.

There was little time to rest, however, because the following day, Jaral had received a mission that she was forbidden to talk about, even with Ezra. She took off in her X-Wing and there wasn't any news about her until the day after, December 8, Chopper Base was contacted by Senator Organa, who requested the Ghost to deliver fuel to a secret rebel mission.

Thus Ezra, Zeb, Chopper and Hera found themselves on the Ghost, anchored to the wreckage of a former Separatist destroyer, with two giant canisters of fuel beneath the ship and waiting for hours, since they didn't have received any info about this mission and didn't know exactly who they were supposed to meet and when.

All they had to spend some time in the cockpit was the HoloNet and the endless stream of Imperial Propaganda.

Zeb groaned. "Hope we're not going to be hiding in this can forever. There's only so much HoloNet I can take."

Ezra turned the passenger seat around. "Well, I'd say they're late but we don't even know when we're supposed to show up, or who we're meeting." he commented a bit irritated.

Chopper protested as well, making Hera slightly turn her seat around. "Whoever they are, Senator Organa wants them to get where they're going, and he's trusting us to get them fuel."

Ezra hummed. "I wonder if this has something to do with Jaral's mission."

"Yeah, it seems a bit strange that she left for a secret mission just yesterday and we have to meet a secret group of people." Zeb commented.

"I know as much as you guys do." Hera said to quiet the complaints.

"No wonder Kanan volunteered for that supply run." Ezra grumbled.

He tried to use the Bond to see if Jaral could speak with him and confirm his suspects, but for now she was keeping her end closed tight.

Then, the speaker of the HoloNet came back from his break.

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