Chapter 11: An Inside Man

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The retrieval of the proton bombs had finally opened the path for an attack on Lothal and spirits at Chopper Base were high. After having the bombs loaded onto a transport and smuggled to General Dodonna's unit, called the 'Massassi Group', a new summit was called 10 days after the job on Wynkahthu. The officers of Phoenix Fleet, the Specters, Jordan, Colonel Undir and Emissary T'Neri were attending the meeting with Dodonna, Organa and, of course, the Empress. She had just talked with her Marshall and the General Staff of the Federation about plans for the invasion of Lothal.

"I confirm that we received your cargo of bombs and armed our bombers." Dodonna said. "We are keeping them in reserve for the attack on Lothal."

"Very well." Sato said. "Your Majesty, how are your preparations going?"

"I have some good news and some bad news. The good one is that we have officially started to produce hyperdrives. We already equipped two cruisers and the tests were positive. Bad news is that, of course, it will take time to fit the invasion fleet with those."

"Is there any estimated time?" Jordan asked patiently.

Benedetta assumed a serious expression and started to explain.

"We are already hiring private companies to increase the manufacturing capacity, but this is a new technology for us. According to the Ministry of Industry, we might need at least ten months in order to fit the entire invasion fleet, and that considering the fact that we're allocating every single hyperdrive we produce to the military."

The good mood melted away, someone hissed in a figurative pain or sighed in disappointment. In all honesty, the rebels were an irregular, small band that simply stole whatever they needed from the Empire. They weren't used to think with the perspective of an industrial nation which had to produce a massive quantities of hyperdrives, and the fact that this was a new technology also meant that the workforce had to be adequately instructed and needed time to learn how to build a quality product as quickly as possible.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you." Benedetta said in a tone that sounded sincerely sorry. "I hope there was something more I could do, but right now sending you weapons it's the best we can do, here."

"No, Your Majesty, you're already doing way too much for us." Jaral intervened. "This is our fight, first and foremost. We'll make sure that your trust doesn't go to waste."

Ezra could clearly tell that his sister was planning something. Not only from her tone and expression alone, but her part of the bond was like an ants' nest in full agitation to construct something.

"What are you planning?" the boy asked.

"I think it's time we visit Lothal again." Jaral declared, earning surprised looks all around her.

"Why the rush? We just said that we won't be able to invade before a year." Zeb asked.

"No, we only said that the Federation needs at least ten months before it can send us reinforcements, but I believe that it would be in our best interest to focus our efforts in building up the resistance movement on Lothal. That way, when the time for the invasion comes, we will be able to severely cripple the Empire's defenses and maybe even establish enclaves that the fleet can use to land with relative safety."


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