Chapter 24: Bloody Christmas

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Thrawn could only admire the ingeniousness and the audacity of Jaral Bridger.

In the span of a few seconds, with her forces in full retreat, she still managed to find the time to come up with a solution to break his encirclement tactic, using only a handful of fighters to destroy a light cruiser and repel the Admonitor in the process.

Truly, a talent that you find once in a lifetime, and now he was even more determined to capture her. Not to hand her to the Empire, but to try and recruit her on behalf of his people.

"Captain, report." he said in the comlink, as the ball of fire that once was the cruiser Alpon didn't allow him to see the Admonitor.

Luckily, Iulius answered calmly. "No damage to the Admonitor, Grand Admiral, but the rebels managed to retreat to the surface."

"Nothing to be too worried about, Captain. Regroup with the Chimaera. We shall prepare an orbital bombardments."

"On our way, sir."

"Governor, order the land division to enter the system and give me a scan of the rebel base."

"Yes, Grand Admiral." Pryce said and moved to relay the orders to the officers on the bridge.

Thrawn observed the planet out of the viewport while his orders were being executed. For the next few minutes he could see the Admonitor falling back on the side of the Chimaera and pointing toward the coordinates of the rebel base.

The destruction of one of the Arquitens posed now a dangerous possibility: if the rebels and the federals could somehow manage to neutralize the second Interdictor cruiser, the Star Destroyers alone would have problems targeting the smaller rebel ships moving at high speed. That was one of the problems of the big capital ships: they were effective to hit slow/big targets, but less so when coming to small and fast spacecrafts.

They still had the Tartan patrol cruisers, though. So he could still count on those.

After around ten minutes, the report came in.

"Our capital ships are in position." Pryce said. "The blockade is secured and the transports will be here in minutes."

"And the status of the rebel fleet?" Thrawn asked.

"The remaining vessels have fled back to the surface and are taking shelter under a localized shield."

"Very well. Let's test their mettle. Coordinate with the Admonitor."


By now, the Alliance Marines had clearly taken on most of the combat roles. The security team of Chopper Base of 12 soldiers was being kept as last ditch defense and bodyguards for Dodonna and the other officers, only Darvos and Kallus, for now, were standing with the first line of defense.

Under suggestion from Jordan and Colonel Undir, Jaral had adopted a "defense in depth" tactic: the Marines had created three lines of defenses, each stronger than the last, even deploying the tanks, Atlas mechs and the other vehicles aboard the frigates of TF Magellan.

The first line was very lightly fortified and it was meant to slow down the Empire and only repel the first wave, the lightly armored scout walkers.

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