Chapter 6: The forgotten one

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After being introduced into Phoenix Fleet (and having their infatuation wiped away by learning that Jaral had just married), Wedge, Hobbie and Rake immediately showed their ability with the A-Wing trainer. Indeed their performance was impressive, especially Wedge's, so much that Hera decided to put them immediately into Phoenix Squadron.

Jaral received the praise of Hera and Sato for being able to take on Skerris and two imperial aces and then received her own jetpack by Jordan.

The jetpack had both an automatic and a manual mode, where the first would leave the operator a bit less creativity but at least it would actively keep him in a balanced position to move in all directions. The manual removed any safety measure and the siblings decided to start experimenting with that only when they were confident enough.

The sun was almost setting and Ezra was once again practicing with the new toy after a day of lightsaber training with Jaral and Kanan.

To his surprise, Sabine came there to watch him while he was in flight.

Ezra landed and greeted her.


"I see you're having fun." Sabine said with a smile.

The boy dematerialized his helmet, revealing a smug grin. "Yeah. I think I'm becoming quite good."

"Please, you have a long way to go before calling yourself 'good'." she teased him.

Ezra bent forward, putting his defiant face in front of hers, though he was still grinning.

"Oh, really? Then I shall give you a proof right now!"

Sabine was still smiling, but certainly didn't expect Ezra to suddenly sweep her off her feet and lift her in his arms. She gasped in surprise and, before she could protest, Ezra had already brought both of them in the air.

Sabine was tempted to yell at him, but as she looked around, feeling the wind blowing on her face and between her hairs quickly put her in a good mood.

Ezra landed on one of the highest petals of the coral hiding the base which was facing the setting sun.

"Did you like it?" he asked Sabine, not putting her down yet.

She chuckled. "Ok, ok. You're...pretty good with that. Now, will you please put me down?"

Ezra obliged and lowered his body to allow her to stand up again, however he kept one arm around her upper body, pulling her in for a pretty vigorous kiss, simply because he wanted to enjoy the feeling of pressing against her soft lips.

She, of course, wasn't being passive either.

When they finally separated, Sabine spoke up.

"It's been years since I flew with a jetpack."

"How was it?" he asked with a grin.

"Not bad, considering you were flying."

"Didn't you just say I was 'quite good'?"

"Exactly, I'm used to way more excitement."

"Then I'll have to practice even more to catch up."

They chuckled, then Sabine took a moment to watch the beautiful sunset. From that height, they could see way further on the surface, seeing other canyons, corals, and some other shades of the red sand.

The girl's artistic side was enchanted.

"I must say, you know how to pick romantic spots." Sabine said with a joyful tone.

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