Chapter 14: Clash above the sands

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The news of the capture of the Geonosian (or Klik-Klak, as Ezra called him) was good for Jaral, but she had learned a long time before that, when a problem is gone, a new one usually pops out in its place.

So, when the sensors of the Constantinople signaled that an Arquitens cruiser was entering the system, all she could do was groan in a mild frustration before Ezra reached her through the bond. After warning him and Recon Alpha, it was time to inform Bravo.

"Specter-6 to Ghost and Recon Bravo, be advised, an Imperial light cruiser just entered the system. Do you have the deflector core?"

"Copy that, Specter-6," Hera answered. "we have the core, but we're not leaving without the rest of my crew."

"Recon Bravo, here, we're on the shuttle and ready to leave." Gutierrez said.

Jaral pondered for a second.

"Recon Bravo, use the Kodiak's cloaking and get away from that area. Ghost, take off immediately and prepare to fight. The cruiser is sending two TIE Bombers."

"Copy that." Hera replied.

"Good. Jinx, plug into that cruiser's communications and keep me updated on their moves."


Jaral observed as the Bombers descended toward the Ghost and the Kodiak got away from the operation area to hide from the Empire. She could've ordered it to come back to the frigate, but something was suggesting her that Gutierrez's team could do much damage if they just waited for the right moment.

The young woman then turned toward First Officer Raniza, who was in charge of the ship and was observing the battle next to Jaral.

"Raniza, just in case it becomes necessary, how many possibilities does the Constantinople has against that cruiser?"

"We might be able to severely damage them with a stealth strike, but it's unlikely that we will be able to destroy it before they shoot us as well." Raniza explained calmly.

At the battle of Mykapo, in facts, it took the combined attack of the Chalcedon and the Trebizond to destroy a single cruiser

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At the battle of Mykapo, in facts, it took the combined attack of the Chalcedon and the Trebizond to destroy a single cruiser. Their synchronized attack was enough to blow it up, but a single frigate of the Alliance stood little chance against an Arquitens, which packed a lot more firepower.

"All right, then we stay back and don't intervene. Besides, I think that cruiser will soon try to descend on the surface."

"Another glory hound?" Raniza asked, almost annoyed.

"Yup. Let's wait and see."

Right then, she was contacted again by Ezra.

"Jaral, we got a problem."

"Of course you do. What happens?"

"We found out that Klik Klak was guarding a queen's egg. It's probably the last Geonosian egg in the galaxy and the last chance for his species to rebuild." the boy thought with urgency.

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