Chapter 16: Trials of the Darksaber

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The news of the Athens and the infiltration droid preoccupied rebel Command and the Empress a lot. There was no telling were the frigate had been brought, or if there were any survivors, though it was likely that both would have been on Lothal, where Thrawn's fleet would render a scavenge mission impossible.

The rebels agreed that the attack on Lothal had to be done as quickly as possible, before the Empire could find the base on Atollon, even though Benedetta warned them that this move was probably part of Thrawn's major plan.

Both facts were kept hidden by the officers of Phoenix Fleet in order not to raise panic, even the security team was forbidden from talking about it for the time being. Now it was a race against time to gather intel and allies for the attack.

And speaking of allies, there was a unique opportunity that depended on one and only one member of the Ghost.

"She's still not ready!" Ezra protested. He and Jaral were in the latter's quarters, where they could talk in private.

"I understand that it's hard for her," Jaral sincerely empathized. "but this is not only about what she wants to do."

Ezra was conflicted deeply. He didn't want to force the girl he loved to take this decision, but his sister was right: there was no time to waste.

In the end, Ezra was a Jedi, and as such he had to put the greater good over his feelings.

"Okay. I'll talk with her tonight. If it doesn't work, you and Kanan will speak with Rau tomorrow morning."

Jaral put a hand on her brother's shoulder and gently squeezed. "I'm really sorry, Ez. I really wouldn't ask you if it wasn't important."

In response, Ezra hugged her in a reassuring way. "I know. You are the big sister that thinks what's best for everybody and I will always love you for that."

Jaral chuckled and, letting the warmth from her brother take over, she hugged him back.

"I could never do this without my lovable little brother." she whispered.

Ezra broke the hug, smiling at her widely. "Of course you could, just not so elegantly."

Jaral chuckled.

Ezra tried, but once again Sabine avoided the topic, leaving him with no choice.

The morning after, while Ezra distracted Sabine with some routine job at the base's armory, Jaral went to Kanan, who was meditating in his cabin, and asked him to unearth the Darksaber from whatever he had hidden it. After that, she contacted Rau, asking him to reach the two Jedi.

Rau presented himself with his armor, repainted with the blue color of his original clan with the help of Sabine, and with his helmet underarm.

"You wanted to see me?" he asked, standing under the threshold.

Jaral was leaning against the bunk bed while Kanan was kneeling on his podium. The older Jedi slightly extended an arm in front of him, indicating a small bench.

"Please, get comfortable."

Rau accepted the invite and went to sit, so Kanan could take out the hilt of the Darksaber.

"We wanted to talk to you about this." Jaral explained.

"A lightsaber?" Rau asked. In the darkness of the room he couldn't see it that well.

"Not just any lightsaber." Kanan said, then ignited the blade and Rau was caught by surprise.

" Kanan said, then ignited the blade and Rau was caught by surprise

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