I Will Come Back: Newt x Reader

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A/N: i hope you're proud i limited myself to a number of 'bloody's cos when you write for newt it's way to easy to say bloody after every bloody word  and sorry, loads of dialogue between y/n and newt. i have no inspiration after this, i need requests PLEASE

Warnings: injuries, suicide

Word count: 644 (tis a short one)

You and Newt stand in one of the many rooms in the Homestead, a cramped one which forces the two of you to stand close enough together that you're pretty sure you can feel the heat radiating off his body.

'I want to be a Runner,' you say. 'Alby says if you say yes I can.'

'You can't,' Newt says. 'Y/N, you only just got here a bloody week ago.'

'Yeah,' you say with a shrug. 'I'm a greenie. Everyone's been a greenie. I'm pretty sure even Minho was a greenie Runner at some point.'

'But you - '

'What?' You interrupt, suddenly impatient, on edge. 'Is it because I'm a girl?' Immediately, you regret your words when you see the hurt on Newt's face.

'I would never...' His voice cracks. 'Y/N, I can't...'

'Newt,' you say softly, grabbing his hand. 'I want to help people. I want to get out of here as much as you do.'

He looks down at where your hand grips his with an expression you can't quite read but for the confusion there, and your heart pangs as you drop his hand. Of course he's confused by you grabbing his hand. He doesn't see you the way you see him. To him, your just a friend. A friend. A lump forms in your throat as you feel that little flame of hope you cultivated gutter and dim, and you fiddle with the hem of your blouse to occupy yourself with something.

Newt fidgets. 'Y/N, I - I don't want you out there.'

'Why?' You burst out. 'Why am I not allowed out there, but everyone else is?'

He looks away as he speaks. 'I... I don't want you hurt, Y/N.' He looks at you, brown eyes boring into you. 'I don't want to go over to Minho when he comes back and hear him bloody say that you're  gone and I was the one to let you go out there! I could never bloody forgive myself if I lost you.' His voice cracks, and his eyes are pleading as he speaks. 'Please, stay here.'

You grit your teeth, torn. Newt, begging you to stay because... because he wants you alive. He cares. But... You shake your head. 'No, Newt. I'm sorry. I've got to go soon. Minho's outside. He'll run with me.' And even though it breaks your heart to leave him, you turn to the door.

'Y/N,' he says, and now those expressive brown eyes are clouded with terror. You freeze in the doorway and turn around.


'Don't. You... I... You know why I have this limp?' He says suddenly.

'...No,' you reply.

'I was a Runner before,' he says desperately. 'I've seen what goes on in the bloody Maze. I don't want you to see it too. I don't want you to feel it too.'

'And your leg?'

He turns away shamefully. 'I tried to bloody kill myself. Climbed up the wall and jumped off it. Minho and the others dragged me back here.' He sighs heavily. 'They saved me.'

You don't think at all, you just grab him around his broad shoulders and pull him close. He stiffens against you, then relaxes, one strong forearm hooking tightly around your waist. You feel like you belong there, in his arms, letting his frame dwarf you.

'Are you staying?' He says softly, still holding you close.

'You just gave me a better reason to be a Runner, Newt,' you reply quietly. 'I need to figure out the Maze so I can get you out of here.'

When he pulls away, he looks resigned. 'O - okay. Minho's outside. He'll... he'll show you the ropes.'

You grab his hand again, needing to feel his calluses scrape against your skin, needing to feel the physical contact between the two of you as you speak. 'I will come back, Newt. I will.'

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