Two's Company: Alastor x Reader

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A/N: there was a hazbin hotel/helluva boss book in my drafts and the only fic in it was this so here (but if you want striker please go ahead and request for that hot mf)

Warnings: swearing, dude idk i wrote this a year ago, there might be a kiss,

Word count: 883

You're sitting in the bar, yellow teeth bared in a wide smile as you sip delicately at your drink when he contacts you. It's unusual for him to broad cast just to you, so you immediately sit up straighter, eager. You haven't seen him in several days, he's been pretty busy, and you miss him already. An address and a picture of a mansion like place flashes twice before your eyes, accompanied by the hum of radio static, and you spring to your feet, knocking aside a few demons as you hurry to the door.

In seconds, you appear in front of the door step, knocking rhythmically on the door. Excitement wells up inside you, and you adjust your red tinted monocle as you wait. A blonde, recognisable as the princess of hell, opens the door, and her eyes widen as she takes you in. Behind her is a grey skinned sinner demon with long white hair, her back turned to the two of you.

'Hello - ' You start, but she slams the door. From inside, you hear the blonde screech, her words slightly muffled.
'Vaggie! Vaggie! Did you see that?'
'See what, Charlie?'
'Another radio demon!'
'What do you mean? There's only one radio demon.'
'No, I'm sure! She was - '
'She? A female radio demon?'
Another, new voice sounds. 'Oh, come on, the first one wasn't that bad. Let's see.'
'No, no, Angel Dust - '

The door opens to reveal a pink and white spider demon; one you recognise as the male porn star. He gasps, mouth falling open as he hurriedly fixes his hair with one pair of arms, the other pair slowly grabbing the door and closing it, Vaggie huddling behind Charlie, all three of them with eyes as wide as saucers. Suddenly, there's the crackle of radio static and a tall, red clothed figure appears in front of Angel Dust.

'Alastor!' You cry, launching yourself at him.
'Y/N, my darling!' He laughs, catching you and spinning you around in his arms.

Eventually, he sets you down, but not before he presses his lips to yours in a sweet kiss, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. Sighing, you bury your hands in his red hair, holding him to you for a moment too long as you relish the feel of your mouth against his. He wraps his thin fingers around your hips, his touch sending shivers down your spine. Grinning, you pull away and grab his hand and intertwine your fingers, looking up at him adoringly.

'Good to see you, Al.'

He boops your nose. 'Good to see you too, my darling,' he coos, swinging your hands between you before twirling you around and pulling you to his chest. You loop your arms around him again, burying your face into his crimson dress shirt, breathing in his scent and gripping the lapel of his suit jacket. He smells of everything red, and the familiarity of it brings tears to your eyes. Somehow, he becomes aware of this despite your face being glued to his chest, and he pulls away and tenderly cups your face in his long fingers.

You flush. 'I... This is stupid, because it's only been a little over a week, but I missed you.'
He grabs your cheeks and pulls at your face, poking it into a smile. 'Not stupid at all, my sweet Y/N. Now, you know...'
'You're never fully dressed without a smile,' you finish for him, kissing his cheek. He scoops you up into his strong arms, bridal style, and grins down at you.
'I need to show you this hotel! Niffty just fixed it up!'

'Sorry to interrupt this very sweet moment, but what the fuck is going on?' Vaggie demands.
You giggle. 'Alastor invited me, of course!'
'But... there's only one radio demon?' Charlie says, confusion on her face.
'Well, that's obviously not true, because I'm here,' you reply, resting your head on Alastor's shoulder.
'Why are you so confused that there's two of them? There's millions of spider demons,' Angel Dust comments. 'Anyway, what is a radio demon? I've never heard of one before.' He points at us. 'They have good taste though. I like the stripy suits. And the fluffy ears.'
'Wait, you've never head of us?' Alastor asks.
'I told you we weren't broad casting enough,' you tell him.
'It appears so,' he mumbles, absently fiddling with your jacket.

'Okay, but why are there two of you?' Vaggie shouts.
'Oh, yeah,' you say. 'We kept me a secret. I'm stage shy, you see. Alastor, on the other hand, is a great actor.' You throw up your hands. 'I mean, come on, who do you think was fliming? Niffty? I was the only person who would do it well, and for free.'
'Yeah, and you did such a good job at it, too,' Alastor croons, kissing you between your ears. You giggle, pressing your nose against his neck and ruffling his hair, and the two of your stare into each other's vermillion eyes, grinning widely.

'Okay, that's terrifying,' Angel Dust mutters.
'Shut up,' you say out of the corner of your mouth. 'Don't ruin the moment.'
'You know what ruins the moment?' Vaggie shrieks. 'There's another one of you!'
Alastor laughs. 'You know what they say, two's company!'

wow that was a cringey ending also dont complain this was written a good year ago

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