Being Jake Sully's Mate Headcanons

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A/N: I haven't watched avatar twow yet so no spoilers plzzzz

If you're human:

• It started as a simple friendship; you met him as another avatar driver - you were drawn to his rebellious nature, to the way he chased joy, to the wondrous laughter that bubbled up from deep within him when he first ran in his avatar's body

• You get your ikran the same time as he does, and she's beautiful: sleek, a deep purple dappled with turquoise, and eye wateringly fast

• Your first kiss with Jake is back at Hell's Gate - he's just come back into his own body, and he's dazed, exhausted with traces of adrenaline still running through his system from his first flight on an ikran, and so are you; he's half falling asleep on you as you wheel him back to his bed, and as you try to urge him to get onto the mattress, he curls an arm around you, bringing you in close - at first, it's just a hug, but somehow you end up with your lips on his, his fingers in your hair

• When Jake gets imprisoned by Quaritch, you work together with Trudy to break him out - you may be a scientist, but back on Earth you did jiu jitsu as a kid, and let's just say it was very helpful in knocking that guard out

• You transfer your full consciousness to the avatar at the same time Jake does, and when you wake up truly in your Na'vi body, you can't believe you've actually made it until Jake wraps you in his arms - his arms, not his avatar's ones

• Gone is your old life, and this new one you're building with Jake is one you much prefer - you love him more than he could ever know

If you're Na'vi:

• If you met him as a Na'vi, it was back at hometree, when Neytiri brought him back, when he first caught your eye; from then, you made sure to talk to him, and most of him time spent in his avatar body when he wasn't sleeping or being taught by Neytiri was spent with you, huddled by the fire - he had this gravity around him that sucked you in, fuelling your curiosity and making you wish to hear his soft laugh one more time

• Once Jake gets his ikran, you and Jake often race through the Hallelujah Mountains on your ikran, making hair raising turns as you shoot past the rocks and through vines, your cries of exhilaration echoing through the air as you spiral around each other, diving and banking in sync

• Once Jake gets his toruk, you go riding on that - he likes to dive unexpectedly to feel your warm arms tighten around his waist, hugging him closer

• Your first kiss happens when the two of you have just landed on an outcrop of the Hallelujah Mountains, your ikran flapping off to hunt, and the two of you sit there, awaiting their return and watching the sunset - your head rests on his shoulder, and when you glance up, he's looking at you: from then on, it's easy, his hand cupping your jaw as you lean into each other, kissing in front of the golden, sinking sun

• When Jake tells you that the Sky people are coming, that he was sent there to tell them your weaknesses, you're torn - you owe it to your people to hate him, to want to kill him for not warning you sooner, but all the same, you love him, and a part of you wants to trust him so badly that you do - you are the one to cut him free as the hometree falls, something you thought was impossible until it happens

• Jake comforts you as you mourn for your home, for the lives lost, and you want to push him away, but you don't because his arms feel like another home, a home for your weeping heart

• And when Jake arrives at the Tree of Souls as Toruk Macto, well, you go a little weak at the knees as he strides towards you, his body rippling with power; the people make way for him, their eyes wide, whispering Toruk Macto is here

• The first thing he does after that is grab your hand, twining his fingers with yours as he commands the Omatikaya, telling them to gather the clans and ready for war, and as you gaze at him, you realise that this man before you is your mate, that he's yours

• Pride swells in your heart as he fights tooth and nail for your people, as he takes down Quaritch, as you cradle his fragile human body, placing the mask over his face, as he fully transfers to his Na'vi body - you love him more than he could ever know

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