Morning, Love: Newt x Reader

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A/N: this is from the book where they actually know what grievers look like btw

Warnings: nightmares, blood, violence, gore, swearing

Word count: 1091

You can hear the metallic whirring and humming the Griever makes as it crashes through the maze behind you. Sweat drips down your back, your lungs ache and you know that this is only the beginning -

You trip on a trailing vine despite knowing that it was going to trip you up days before. A scream of agony rips itself from your throat as the Griever continues right over you, one leg piercing right through your body and to the cold stone beneath you. Weakly, you raise your head, and ahead of you, you glimpse Newt, limping as fast as he can away from the Griever, screaming your name, begging for help.

And you can't help him. You can't help him. You should be dead by now, by blood loss or organ death or  something that the Griever did to you as it trampled you. But the hole right through your abdomen has done nothing but racked your body with spasms of pain and left you so helpless you can barely reach your hand towards Newt, his name tearing desperately out of your throat - like that's going to help him.

The Griever catches up with him, and now your throat is raw from screaming his name as you're forced to watch as the beast rears up in front of your best friend, your lover, your everything, its tail poised to strike -

You gasp, sitting bolt upright, eyes wide as you scrabble forward, still half tangled in the grip of your dream. His name is on your lips before you can stop it, and you clap a hand over your mouth, hoping you haven't woken him as you wipe sweat and maybe tears from your face, still choking down desperate gasps of air. Pressing one hand to your stomach, you unconsciously check that no, there isn't a hole stabbed right through you, and no, you are not lying on the floor of the maze, helpless as you watch -


You jump and whirl towards the sound of the noise, already half out of your sleeping bag and fists raised before you register that it's Newt. Sighing in relief, you lower your hands and instead use them to scrub at your eyes.

'Nightmare,' you mumble, climbing back into your sleeping bag.

'The nightmare?'

You nod, arms limp by your side. 'I hope I didn't wake you.'

'I was already awake, don't worry,' he reassures you, one hand on your back. 'I've been waking up at around this time for more than a year.'

'So, I'm the reason why you're sleep schedule is as shit as mine,' you reply. 'That's great.'

He chuckles. 'I'd rather this than you going around all day with dark circles under your eyes.'

'I already do that,' you point out.

'Well, darker circles,' he amends.

'Newt,' you whisper, and he immediately looks at you, aware of the seriousness in your tone.


'What if it happens? What if I have to watch while you - you - '

'It won't happen,' he replies. 'I won't let it.'

You nod, unconvinced until he scoots over in his sleeping bag and wraps his arms around you, pressing a soft kiss to your hair. Closing your eyes in effort to keep the tears in, you bury your face in his chest and curl your arms around his waist, pulling him closer to you until all you can feel is him, his heart beating steadily against your cheek, his lungs slowly expanding and contracing, his hands on your back, all of him warm and alive and whole and here.

You sniffle, fingers fisting in his shirt as you ground yourself with his familiar smell in your lungs. Newt strokes your hair, his voice gentle as he holds you.

'I'm here, love. I'm here, and I'm not leaving any time soon.' He chuckles. 'It's not that easy to get rid of me.'

At his words, you giggle. 'You're such a hopeless shuck face.'

'Oh, I see how it is,' he replies, one hand creeping down and tickling your side.

You stifle a laugh. 'Stop it, Newt, you'll wake the others - '

'Shuck the others,' he whispers.

You poke him in the ribs. 'Hey, you'll wake Chuck! Would you really shuck up a child's sleep schedule?'

He chuckles. 'If it makes you laugh, love.'

'Do I look like I'm laughing?' You hiss, trying to keep a straight face as he tickles you, but the last word gets cut off by a yawn.

'Alright, let's get you tucked in,' he teases, prising you off him momentarily to snuggle you into your sleeping bag. Reaching out, he grabs your hand and kisses your brow before lying down too, keeping your fingers interlocked.

That's how you fall asleep, your hand in his, a smile on your face.


Newt wakes up with your fingers still twined with his, your face peaceful as you sleep, no trace of your previous terror at the thought of your nightmare being transferred into real life. Slowly, he becomes aware of a dozen or so presences standing around the two of you, and then a voice.

'Look, he's awake!'

Scowling, he glances up as Chuck quickly shuts his mouth. 'What's going on?'

'You tell us, Newt,' one of the boys says, waving at your hand still in his.

'Yeah, what about it? How have you not figured it out yet? Am I really in a Glade full of shanks and greenies?'

'Hey, I figured it out,' Minho says, pushing forward. 'Anyways, someone got out the wrong side of the sleeping bag.'

This quip earns raucous laughter from the boys, and Newt glances over at you as you stir, brow furrowing as you begin to wake up. Quickly, he strokes a hand over your hair and leans over to kiss your face, trying to get you back to sleep - you need as much sleep as you can get, plus, waking up surrounded by a circle of curious boys isn't the best thing that could happen to you.

'All of you, slim it!' Newt snaps, raising his voice over the noise. 'She's sleeping, you bloody shuck faces!'

'She's sleeping, you bloody shuck faces!' Someone mimics, and he silences them with a scowl.

Eventually, the boys have had enough of teasing Newt, and he smiles as you snuggle into his side in your sleep, mumbling something as he curls an arm around you. Nose wrinkling in your sleep, you shift in your sleeping bag before stirring and squinting up at him, a quizzical look on your face.

'Morning, love,' he chuckles.

okay okay okay yes i understand that the reader laughs way too easily after their nightmare but its their way of coping - with humour. Also, they're used to having this nightmare almost every night so it's not like it's a shock or anything

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