Reunion: Drake Merwin x Reader

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A/N: SPOILERS FOR THE MONSTER VILLAIN HERO SERIES. i didnt really think I'd write post FAYZ drake but then michael grant worked his magic (this doesn't include brittany on his chest because i wasn't up for writing that) also i feel like i might delete this later because it escalates way too quickly and i like my chemistry

Warnings: swearing, death, kissing, psychopaths

Word count: 1417

Tom Peaks almost made you laugh. Yes, you'd had the help of a man who had called you a goddess, but aside from that, escaping the Ranch was easy in your morphed form. They hadn't seen it coming at all - no, they thought you were the sedate girl who showed herself after the FAYZ, not the willing best friend of Drake Merwin himself. You'd been careful not to show any emotion when Peaks showed you the video of Drake, and now you knew exactly where you were going.

Your morphed form was interesting - strong, leathery wings which stretched from your hips to the tips of your fingers and could easily lift your wiry frame, legs that were bent the wrong way and ended with curved claws which matched with the ones at the ends of your elbows. Your senses were sharper, even your eyes, despite the fact that the DNA the rock used was definitely a bat's. And now, you were sailing through the sky at an altitude that would have made a normal human pass out within minutes because of the thinness of the air.

Using your enhanced eyes, you squint down at the ground, and recognising where you are, you tuck in your wings and dive. Your teeth, sharper than a human's and more needle like, bare in a smile, and you land gently on the dusty ground beside a cactus, hopping a few feet, using what were your elbows like another set of legs, before you morph back and stride through the desert like landscape, making sure your hair hides your face in case anyone identifies you.

Night falls, but it doesn't bother you, because you still haven't reached your goal, and besides, you can morph and your bat eyes will make out everything around you. The moon, only a small sliver of it visible, lights your path a little. So, you carry on walking, accompanied by crickets, until a sixth sense that every child in the FAYZ developed, powers or no, tells you someone is near, half a second too late.

But then, he's always been faster than you.

You yelp as pain shoots through your back, accompanied by a small sonic boom, and you drop to the ground to narrowly avoid the next blow, and before the third comes, you yell his name, and there's silence.

His voice, smooth, and maybe a bit lower than you remember, sounds in the darkness to your right. 'Who are you?'

You flip over, sweeping your hair over your shoulder and propping yourself up on an elbow. 'Hi, Drake.'

'Answer my question,' he snarls, and you grin at him.

'You still don't recognise me, baby?' You answer, and he freezes, shock on his face as he finally recognises your voice, along with your use of an old joke - calling Drake pet names sort of became a habit since everyone in the FAYZ thought you guys were a thing, and you enjoyed teasing Drake about it, to say the least.


'The one and only,' you reply, up on your feet in a second and stepping towards him. If he was any other person, you'd be inclined to throw yourself at him and hug him, but you stand there, arms folded, waiting to see his response, waiting to see if he's still the soft on the inside Drake Merwin you know.

His whip arm flashes out and you hold in a gasp as it wraps around your waist and pulls you close to him, wrapping his human arm around you and holding you to him. You're overwhelmed by his scent, changed, but still his, and you close your eyes, one hand clenching in the back of his shirt, holding him there, not wanting him to ever let you go. Your brain floods with memories of him, and you hold them back because with them comes an emotion - love. Because you love this crazy, one handed sadist for reasons even you can't explain.

'Y/N,' he says again, his voice cracking this time. 'I - I - '

'Yeah, you missed me, baby,' you reply, and you know he's grinning as he replies, his breath slightly ruffling the hair on the top of your head.

'It's only been four years.'

'You know,' you say. 'I actually thought you, you of all people, were dead, baby.'

'Me?' He laughs, squeezing you in a way that tells you he doesn't even notice. 'You aren't getting rid of me that easily, babe.'

You pull away and look up at him. 'You've grown, baby,' you smirk.

'Yeah, and you haven't, babe,' he replies, and you chuckle, poking his stomach.

'And what are these? Abs? Since when did a guy like you need fucking abs?'

He pulls up his shirt halfway and you dimly see his six pack. 'Like what you see?'

'I thought you'd be languishing in a cave, pining for my presence, but I guess you've been working out instead.'

He flashes you a shark grin which hasn't changed one bit. 'I do have a cave, you know.'

'How many women have died in there? I mean, since I'm not here, someone hasn't been keeping you from your misogynistic ways.'

'Only body which is identifiable is a man's,' he replies, almost with a touch of pride.

'Oh, cool,' you say. 'Because dead men don't bother me. How far away?'

Drake frowns. 'It's a  night's walk, but I don't need that much sleep, so it's normally fine for me.'

'Very considerate, Drake, but if you cooperate with me, we'll get there in around and hour.'

'What?' He says sharply. You morph, and he takes a very satisfying step back as one of your claws accidentally whooshes past his head as you straighten your wings.

'Want a ride on the bat express?' You ask, and his expression of shock turns to a devilish grin.

'How did you get like this?' He asks as he climbs onto your back.

'The government made me eat a rock. Like the gaiaphage rock, except other parts of the same meteorite. They wanted me to work for them. I didn't want to, so I escaped.' You glance back at him. 'Also, I've never flown with someone on my back, so if you die, it's your fault for climbing on.'

'I can't die,' he reminds you, and you shrug.

'Well, if you splat onto the rocks far below as I fly at speeds faster that I can run at, sorry.'


You land neatly, and Drake hops off your back as you morph back. You glance over at him and notice that below his windswept, dark blonde hair, his usually emotionless eyes are shining with something close to happiness.

'You okay?' You blurt, because Drake is not inclined to be a happy person.

He nods, face a turmoil of emotions you won't even try to untangle. 'I was thinking... You... you came to me as soon as you escaped?'

'Yeah,' you say. 'Who else would I go to, Drake?'

But the instant your words leave your mouth you forget them, because he's looking at you, looking at you with a burning intensity that terrifies you yet overjoys you as well because it's you he's looking at like that, you he's staring at with something more than the affection of your friendship. You feel a shiver run up your spine as he steps forward, and your heart leaps into your throat, because surely you're the one who's supposed to look at him with the knowledge that you'll never have him, you're the one who's secretly been wanting him. His left hand tilts your face up towards him, and you feel your fingers push into his hair, holding him closer.

It's when his lips meet yours that you know it isn't a dream. No way your brain could conjure up something anywhere near this. If you could kiss the living daylights out of someone, that's what Drake is doing to you now. He's hungry, desperate, even, as if you're all he's ever wanted. The thought makes your knees weaken, and you gasp as he bites down gently on your lower lip, whip hand wrapping around your waist and holding you up with ease.

He pulls away but doesn't release you, and you're fine that way, just gripping each other tightly and staring up/down into each other's eyes. Finally, you break the silence.

'Don't you dare fucking tell me you were holding out on me.'

He chuckles. 'I was going to say the same.'

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