Mine, Now: Drake Merwin x Reader

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A/N: LET US APPRECIATE THIS EXERPT FROM THE GONE SERIES ABOUT DRAKE. this is a one shot taking place when drake and brittney are two people in one thing in Lies, so yeah there are spoilers, also here's some like meme thing i made,

Penny in Plague: *has crush on Caine*

Me: da fuq? if you gonna have a crush on a psycho, missy, it should be on drake

Warnings: guns, kissing, booze, idk what else, suprisingly no swearing if you don't count the word ass

Word count: 1249

You hear the animalistic howl from below and roll your eyes. Everyone glances at you, expecting you to do what you always do, go down to the basement and shut up the Drake Merwin side of the Drake - Brittney monster. You have the power to freeze people in place, not with ice, but with some invisible force you don't understand, but whatever it is, it comes in helpful a lot when a blonde haired, dead eyed sadist is rushing at you with murderous intent. Orc ripped out the planks nailed on the door after Sam decided you could tame the Drake side better than any blockading could. And also because secretly, Sam is scared of you. He knows your power would be devastating on Drake's or Caine's side, and he knows there's nothing holding you to him, so he'll give you what you want. And if you want to see Drake every day, he'll let you.

'I'll go shut him up,' you say, getting up from your chair and opening a bottle of booze for Orc as you pass.

'Thanks,' he says, and you pat his gravelly shoulder.

'No problem, man.'

You almost trip down the stairs to the basement in your excitement. It's strange, how Drake fascinates you. He's an interesting character, and that shark smile... Yeah, he's cute. You grab the chair you keep outside the basement door and unlock the door, pocketing the key and quickly swinging one hand up just in case, holding the chair in front of you as a shield in the other. Drake looks up from where he's lounging in the corner, and your eyes sweep the room.

'You really think I don't notice that you're trying to dig your way out with that piece of glass there?' You ask.

He shrugs. 'Worth a try.'

You chuck him the chair, as always, and he sits down on it and puts the whip hand and the normal hand behind the wooden back of the chair. You freeze him in place on the chair and he wiggles around a bit, testing how much of him you've freezed. The tip of his whip is just free enough to crack it, and you shake your head at the delight that passes over his face and walk over to him.

'Do you really have to yell every time you wake up from Brittney sleep?'

'No, but I gotta summon you, babe.'

You smirk at the pet name. 'And what makes you think that I'll come at your beck and call?'

'Well, you came today,' he points out, tilting his head to get his sandy blonde hair out of his face.

You take a step closer and lean down so you're face to face with him. 'You need me to stay awake. Don't think I haven't noticed you stay yourself longer when I'm around.'

'It must be your wonderful presence,' he says, voice dripping with sarcasm.

You grin. 'I was wondering, do you think your dick will regenerate if I cut it off?' You tap your chin thoughtfully. 'Or maybe I should try your head?'

Drake chuckles, saying nothing, just looking you up and down with exaggerated slowness, ignoring your question. You cock your head.

'Enjoying the view, huh?' You perch on his lap, and his usually dead eyes glint a little as he strains to move his arms, whip hand writhing. You continue speaking, the corner of your lips pulling up in a smile. 'Maybe I should just use you as target practice for my knife throwing. It won't exactly kill you. You've got such a nice anatomy, you know?' You run the tips of your fingers down his chest, and you can practically feel the shiver that runs down his spine.

'Y/N,' he grits out, neck arching in an effort to move, to break free from the chair he's stuck in. You chuckle as he cracks his whip hand in frustration when you run a hand through his surprisingly soft hair. Getting off his lap, you lean down to kiss his cheek but he moves his face so you catch his lips instead. A groan leaves him as he strains up, kissing you harder, but you pull away, throwing him a wink.

'You're a cheeky one, you know.' You grab his normal wrist and prise it forward, weakening your power a little so his arm moves freely and you can shove it against his side when the tip of his whip hand wraps around your fingers. A deep throaty growl leaves him, and you straighten up, enough that you can see his lap, and snort. 'Hello to Drake Merwin Junior, too, thanks for the salute,' you say, prising his whip off you and letting it flop into his lap.

'Y/N,' he chokes out. Quickly, you slip the chair out from under him, hiding a laugh as your power still keeps him in a sitting position, his eyes blazing with frustration.

'Looking good,' you smirk, grabbing the chair and leaving it outside the door. 'Say hello to Brittney for me, since she'll come pretty much as my wonderful presence leaves this room.'

'No - ' He snarls, but you release him and he falls to the floor, out of the sitting position he was in and onto his ass. You slam the door behind you and you're only halfway up the stairs when you hear Brittney screaming for Sam to kill her.

Howard looks up as you stride back into the living room. 'What do you even do to him down there?'

You shrug. 'Just be thankful he's not constantly screaming at rock boy. And speaking of that, I won't be here tomorrow so he'll be screeching his head off.' You wave. 'Find me if he comes out again today.'


You hear the giant crash and glance up from where you're rooting through the old apartment Drake used to occupy, searching for any spare ammo he might have left. You chuckle to yourself, knowing exactly what's happened. 'One day,' you mutter to yourself. 'One day, and Orc's already flipped out.'

Scooping up your submachine gun and slinging it over your shoulder, you trot through the streets, completely ignoring the others who notice that, unlike usual, you're bristling with weapons, not just your usual two pistols. You can fare very well with just the two of them, but you know some of the guns you're carrying aren't for you.

'Hey,' you say, lifting your hand as a precaution when you come to the massive hole in the living room floor which is definitely Orc shaped.

Drake looks up, a gun in his left hand. 'If you're here to stop me - '

You throw back your head and laugh. 'You think I'd want to stop you?' You pull the submachine gun from your shoulder and pump it, aiming it at his face in one fluid movement. 'No, Drake, if I'd wanted you gone, you'd be gone already.'

Drake looks down at the kid you recognise as Albert's body guard and wraps his whip around his neck. 'Bye, Jamal,' he says, and, as Jamal scrabbles desperately, he looks back up at you. 'What d'you mean?'

'I'm here to help,' you say, jumping down into the basement and tossing him the keys, a fully loaded pistol and a rifle. 'I wasn't here today because I was searching your old house for ammo.'

'Is that my hoodie?' He asks.

'Yeah,' you say, looking down at the black fabric hanging loosely on your frame. 'That's your hoodie.' You shrug. 'Mine, now.'

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