
696 41 20

TW: Swearing, thoughts about death (not suicidal)

A/N: Hi, I will be in the car for 10 hours tomorrow, so probably no updates on any of my stories. 

 When Ranboo got back, he could immediately tell something was up. The entire alley was cloaked in silence.

"Are- are you guys okay?" he asked hesitantly, looking from face to face. No one answered. "Guys?"

"Do- do you think you could get the map from the library, Big Man?" Tubbo asked hesitantly, not meeting the hybrid's eyes.

"Uh, sure?" he responded, still not quite sure what was going on. "What's- what's going on, though?" he questioned after a beat of silence. Still no response. "Okayy... Are- are any of you guys coming with me?" The group glanced at each other.

"I will," Tubbo offered, already standing up, albeit shakily.

"Cool, anyone else?" Everyone shook their heads. So they were off, the hybrid and the ghost. What a pair. Holding back a chuckle, as that would require him to explain himself, he led the way hesitantly, not quite sure where he was going (not that he would admit that). "So," he started, trying to make conversation, "are you going to tell me what's up, now?"

"Um, the sky?" Tubbo answered cheekily, smirking up at him. Ranboo sighed, smiling into his hands.

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah, I know." There was a pause, the taller waiting expectantly. "I- we- we're pretty sure that we're gonna die," the boy explained bluntly.

"Wha- wha- what do you mean? What do you mean you're gonna die? Waitwaitwaitwait, what do you mean?" Ranboo asked, scrambling to find words.

"Well, me and Will both got real sick, and I don't think being in an alternate dimension is very good for your body. So we just kinda- kinda put two and two together and- and here we are," Tubbo choked out, struggling to keep his voice steady.

"Well- well that doesn't mean that you're- you're gonna- that you're gonna-" He couldn't seem to get the word out.

"Just say it, Ranboo! Accept it! I have!"

"That- that seems a bit premature, don't- don't ya think? I mean- I mean it could be anything. I'm sure- I'm sure there's another explanation!" There has to be. There has to be." Please let there be.

"Ranboo- Ranboo you- you haven't felt what it's like. It feels like- like you're being fucking torn apart. I- I don't know what else it could be..." Tubbo's voice broke.

"Well- well we're going to the library, aren't we? We- we can look it up! It's gonna be fine. You are gonna be fine! You- you all are!" Ranboo wasn't quite sure who he was trying to convince at this point.

Tubbo could see that the hybrid wouldn't back down on this one. So, sighing, he nodded, managing a weak smile.


Wilbur glanced around the circle of people, well, there were only three of them, one of which was legally a minor. All of us might currently be dying. He was no stranger to thinking something was seriously wrong, but this felt different somehow. This time there was no one trying to talk some sense into him, this time he wasn't the one who initiated the thought in the first place.

Sighing into his hands, he buried his head in his knees, not wanting to deal with the world right now. Staring into the not quite blackness that came with closing his eyes, he considered the shade. He knew from reading somewhere that it technically had a title, but he couldn't quite recall the name. Sometimes the darkness seemed so bright, weird, yes, but still somehow making sense.

He kinda wanted someone to talk to about it, but how in the world would he start that conversation? Hi. How would you describe the color that appears when you close your eyes? 'How about no,' says social anxiety. Shaking his head slightly to clear it, he glanced, once more at Tommy and Phil. Both of which seemed to be mildly uncomfortable with whatever thoughts were racing through their heads.


Tommy's finger tapped absentmindedly against his knee. He was currently rolled in what could technically be a "fetal position," but there was no way he would call it that, he was a Big Man. He was just sitting with his legs against his chest, for fuck's sake! Casting a glance at the people beside him, he realized that they were as distraught as he was, which for some reason brought him some comfort. Suffering together is better than suffering alone, he supposed.

He just couldn't seem to accept it. He couldn't be dying, could he? He was so young! Unlike Philza. He joked to himself, smiling despite the grim circumstances. Sometimes he just really wished his brain would shut up.


Philza felt numb. Numb to the world, not quite sure what to feel. He knew he wasn't dead yet (obviously), but it just didn't feel like it was coming at all. They had always laughed about it, talking about how he would die of a heart attack or something like that, but it had always seemed like what it was: a joke. Not like this.

Death just seemed so close. The odd part was he didn't feel any different. There wasn't a huge moment that would forever go down in history. There weren't any fans trying to cancel him about it on Twitter. There wasn't a #finally trending in the UK. There was just silence, quiet acceptance.

Okay, bye! 

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