Vague Plans and Prewritten Bits

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I had no clue for the middle but I had two plans for the ending lmao (before I wrote myself into several plot holes)

Ending 1: 

Ranboo (and Michael, though he didn't exist yet when I planned these) stays in their world while everyone else goes back to their original dimension. Tubbo originally was going to stay with Ranboo (and Michael) but gets told to leave by Ranboo and Tommy. 

This plan had a couple plot holes that I tried to fix with the addition of Michael and the weird interdimentional sickness whatever, but I think I made the problems bigger. 

Prewritten bits: 

 "Tommy- Tommy I want you to promise me something," Ranboo said, jogging slightly to catch up to the boy.


"When- when you guys- when you guys leave, make sure- make sure Tubbo goes with you, okay? Don't- don't let him stay here."

Tommy's brow furrowed, "But- but don't you want him to stay? I mean I don't want him to but-"

"Oh gosh, Tommy, I wish- I wish with all my heart that he could stay, but he doesn't- he doesn't belong here, Tommy. I can't make him stay. It's not fair. It's not fair to him and it's not fair to you, okay? I know- I know he'll want to stay and he's going to hate me and he might even hate you but don't let him- don't let him stay." Tommy looked into Ranboo's eyes. He searched them for any kind of doubt, or ill intent. But he found none. All he saw was love. He saw love and he saw guilt. "I know it'll suck, but promise me, Tommy," his voice broke, "Please."

Tommy glanced at Tubbo. His best friend. The person who had been with him since the start. The person who had always been there for him, for every stream, for every video. His gaze lingered on the boy's finger, where a metal band rested. The second ring in a matching set. The pair to the ring that Ranboo was now fidgeting with as he awaited an answer.

"Okay," he agreed.

Ranboo nodded, sucking in a breath, "Thank you."


 "Okay, let's go!" Tubbo said eagerly, prodding Ranboo with a playful hand. Why did he have to make it so hard?

"Tubbo- Tubbo you're not staying." the boy said gently, each word feeling like a stab to the chest. Confusion clouded the love of his life's features, his brow furrowing as he tried to process what he was saying.

"What? Wh- what do you mean? We- we planned it out! They go home and I stay here with you!"

"Tubbo you can't- you can't stay here, okay?"

"You don't- you don't want me to?"

"No! No that's not it at all! But- but I can't take you away from your world, Tubbo! You don't belong here! I can't keep you away from your home!"

"But- but you are my home!" It felt like Ranboo's heart had stopped, tears brimmed at his eyes, threatening to fall.

"Tubbo you can't stay here, okay? You- you can't stay."

"But why? Why can't I stay? What's stopping me?"

Tommy came up slowly, putting his hand on the boy's shoulder, "Tubbo we have to go home, man."

"Wha- Tommy? Why- why aren't you- why aren't you taking my side? Tommy you're supposed to- you're supposed to take my side!"

"Tubbo, I-"

"You're- you're being selfish! Both of you! I want to stay here! I don't want to go back! I want to- I want to stay!" Tubbo looked around, scanning the faces of his friends. "Phil? Wilbur? Come on, guys. We- we agreed on this!" They turned away. 

Ending 2: 

This one would more be a continuation of the other one in an epilogue or something, as all of the stuff above transpired, but three years later (again, in this plan Michael didn't exist yet) Ranboo goes to the park place and decides to go to Tubbo's dimension. He doesn't keep his hybrid features (unless he does, in which case that was the reason he didn't show his face) and basically becomes the cc!Ranboo we know. He then becomes friends with Tubbo all over again (who at first thought it was just coincidence) and they get a reunion. 

Prewritten bit: 

 Ranboo stared at the swing set, the same swing set that three years ago, today, the love of his life had disappeared before his eyes. Walking towards it hesitantly, he fingered the ring on his hand. "Boo." It was such a simple word. Yet it meant so much. It proved that what he had experienced was real, that it wasn't some figment of his imagination.

Sitting down gently, he stared off into space, smiling as the memories came back. Tubbo. Tubbo. Tubbo. Tubbo. That's when he noticed something strange. Furrowing his brow, he squinted at the spot. Surely not. His eyes widened as he confirmed what shouldn't be possible. What was stopping him? What was keeping him from running through the portal right now and meeting the person who had occupied his thoughts every waking moment?

His doubts. What if Tubbo had moved on? What if he found someone else? What if he didn't like him anymore? Shaking his head slightly to clear it, he steadied himself. Taking a deep breath, he stood up, and took a leap of faith.


[insert Tubbo reaction to Ranboo becoming famous and such]

If any of ya'll have questions feel free to ask them, though I can't say with certainty that I will be able to answer them, as I was (and am still) very aware of the plot holes when I planned these, and continued to make them worse. 

As I said last chapter, if you'd like to write the continuation of this (or even a complete rewrite using this as inspo or smth), please feel free, though no pressure if absolutely none of ya'll do. I feel the same way lmao. 

Have a wonderful day/night!

PS: looking back on this, I was definitely inspired by Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse, but whatever. 

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