Worries and Solutions

494 32 19

TW: Sudden wave of pain (kinda, not very descriptive)

A/N: My school starts tomorrow, and I have no idea what I'm doing (keep in mind that the last year and a half of school was virtual for me).

 Ranboo frowned as he watched the water move rapidly down the side of the road. Why did it have to rain? The drizzle from earlier had quickly turned into a downpour, keeping him trapped under the tarp until it stopped, as he, for some reason, didn't have an umbrella. The boy had just forgotten, he supposed.

Oh gosh, he could feel Phil's sympathetic glances from there, as Tommy, Tubbo, and Michael splashed around in the water, laughing as the liquid soaked their clothes. Their loss, he supposed, if they got hypothermia, he could laugh at them. That's what he had said when they asked if he was okay with them going out into the rain. Of course, he didn't want to spoil their fun, and said it was fine. And it was, he was used to it. At least Wilbur wasn't there to tag team with Phil. Speaking of the man, where was he?

As if thinking had summoned the brunet, Will walked into the alley, now holding five umbrellas (the small one presumably for Michael), a (non- disposable) poncho, waterproof gloves, and rain boots. The boy watched, mouth agape, as the man made his way over, holding the items out for the hybrid to take, a smile on his face.

"How- how did- how did you?"

"Uhhhh, I'll just say I have my ways."

"Did you fuckin' steal?!" Phil exclaimed.

"No!" Wilbur denied. "I would never commit a crime," the man said with half seriousness, tilting his head slightly. The blond raised his eyebrows, as if he was recounting all of the things that disproved that statement. "Just, don't worry 'bout it. Here, Ranboo." The boy glanced at Phil, before grabbing the items, smiling. Though he wasn't fond of the idea of stealing, he had definitely done worse, intentionally or not, so he couldn't judge.

It took a couple minutes to get all of the gear on, as Wilbur had to guestimate the sizes, leading to some tight fits. But, in the end, Ranboo was (pretty much) fully waterproofed. Glancing at Phil, he stepped hesitantly into the rain, listening to the satisfying pitter patter of the water hitting the plastic fabric above him. He saw as Tubbo's entire face brightened, watching the hybrid take his first steps into the open air. He watched as Tommy turned, giving him a small nod as the boy made his way slowly towards the trio, ever so often glancing up, making sure his umbrella didn't spontaneously disappear. A silly fear, he knew, but a valid one.

The walk seemed to take an eternity, the boy being cautious with every step, afraid of the liquid he was surrounded by. Michael had already come up with a small cheer, that he, Tubbo, and Tommy, were now yelling repetitively, encouraging the nervous hybrid.

Finally though, Ranboo made it over, greeted with air hugs (as the other three were soaked from head to toe). Phil and Wilbur had joined them as well, standing slightly off to the side under umbrellas, watching the now quartet happily as they danced around in the rain, splashing chaotically (always being careful with Ranboo, though) and getting after each other for stupid things. They were just being kids.


Why was the ground spinning? Wilbur stumbled back as a wave of nausea hit him. Clutching his head, he scrunched his eyes closed, the pounding in his head feeling like an alarm that wouldn't shut off.

"Will! Will, are you okay?" Who said that? The man thought dizzily, trying to make his vision center on the person in front of him. "Will, please wake up!" Taking in ragged breaths, he blinked repeatedly, his eyes not seeming to want to cooperate with him.

Suddenly, everything snapped back into focus, the edges of his peripheral sharpening, all of his senses deciding to work properly all at once. He was on the ground, water coating his back as he struggled to his feet, pushing off Phil as he stumbled to catch himself on a wall.

"I just- I just need a second," he stated in between gulps of air. By now he was relatively conscious, conscious enough to know that everyone was watching him. Phil, Tubbo, and Tommy were standing a few feet back, concerned looks on their faces. While Ranboo was distracting Michael with the drops of water coming off of the tarp, murmuring something about guessing which one would fall first.

"Take your time, mate." Wilbur nodded, still trying to find his breath. He would be fine.

Have a wonderful day/night!

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