Chapter 14

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Nicole's POV

I woke up with a cheesy grin on my face as I lifted my head off of Niall's bare chest. Our legs were tangled under the covers. I looked at his face and listened to his light snores. I cuddled into him and shut my eyes to make it seem like i was sleeping.

Niall's POV

I slowly fluttered my eyes open and I swore I had died and gone to heavan because i woke up to the most beautiful angel lying on my chest. Nicole was glowing and she looked so happy and peaceful. I kissed her forehead and she slowly raised her head and yawned. She looked at me and it almost looked like she was looking at me with love in her eyes. God I love this girl. Wait did I just think that?!? Ya I did. Nicole Ramos. I love you.

Nicole's POV

He kissed me on the forehead and i lifted my head and pretended to yawn so it was belivable that I was "asleep". I looked into his bright blue eyes and it was in that moment that I realized that I loved him. I, Nicole Ramos was in love with the Niall Horan.

I pecked him on the lips and as soon as he started to kiss back I pulled away and giggled as he groaned. "Why do you have to tease me like that love?" I laughed lightly and said "because I can." I could tell that he wanted to smile he was trying hard to stubbornly pout. I giggled and packed his cheek and ran to the bathroom without a sheet covering my bare body I looked in the mirror and noticed that I was visibly glowing. I smiled at the thought of me in the previous night. Then a knock was heard at the door and I heard Niall say "babe hurry please I really need wee." I laughed and left the bathroom brushing my teeth. He walked out right when I needed to spit so I waltzed into the bathroom and finished brushing my teeth. Once I was finished Niall walked in and started brushing his teeth. Once he was done he hugged me from behind and said "can I have a kiss now" Desperation was thick in his voice. I sighed as a sign of defeat. He turned me around and kissed me like it was the last time he'd ever kiss me. I pulled away after a few minutes with a smile. We walked back to the bed and laid there cuddling. He traced his fingers down my left arm till he noticed my small scars by the outside of my wrist. He frowned, "what are these?" I looked at the scars and made sophomore year it was one of my low moments in life. I remember sitting in my sixth period English class running my pencil at a fast pace on the top of my wrist until I saw a pinkish red cut. I did it multiple times and I have the scars as a memory. "A mistake." I say sadly. "But I'm ok now that I have you." I I said then pecked his lips. I knew he wasn't fully convinced that I was ok but he let it go. I thought of how low my mother made me feel during that time and how everybody had someone except for me. I shook those thoughts out of my head and thought about how me and Niall were happy. We decided to put on some clothes and get something to eat. I wore some black skinny jeans and a blue Pierce sweater and my black vans. I curled my hair and put on a beret styled beanie. I did my usual make up then I was ready to leave. Niall was on his phone when I walked out of the bathroom. He looked up then looked at his phone then had a double take. His jaw dropped and as he was keeping at my appearance, I felt a blush creep on to my cheeks. You look absolutely lovely Niall stated absolutely shell shocked at my appearance. If he thinks I look good now he better hope Lou doesn't get her hands on me. I mumble a thanks then grabbed his hand as we started to head out of the hotel room. Once we got to the doors we stopped and he said "shit!" The doors were closed but you could still here to girls screams and you could see the flashing of the paparazzi. He took off his jacket and said "cover your face with this". "I knew it was too good to be true" I whispered to myself. I turn around and storm back to the room. I hear Niall calling my name so I run. No I sprint. I run into the elevator and push the button quickly making the doors should I hit the button that goes to the floor the 5 seconds of summer are at, the entire time thinking about how management was right that i wasn't good enough for him because I'm not a celebrity. I run into the tall blonde one from five seconds of summer. I think his name is Luke. "Hey! Are you okay?" He asks with concern on his face. I shake my head while silent tears stream down my face as I thought about how Niall the so ashamed of me he wanted me to hide from the cameras and the fans. That was about to be my first time being seen in public with Niall and he hid me. Luke had me and took me to his room. "Sorry for the mess. The lads aren't the cleanest." I giggled and responded "I understand I room with Niall." then I found. Then his face resembled something like anger. "What did he do?" Almost angry like. I held my head low and mumbled "he's ashamed to be seen with me." Even though it was barely above a whisper he understood every word. "No we should be ashamed to someone as beautiful as you." I blushed and I wiped the leftover water on my cheeks from crying. I looked at his face and then realized how hot he really is. The small amount of beard on his chin made him look slightly older and I couldn't help but wonder what his lip ring would feel like if we kissed. And his eyes. Oh his eyes were so blue that the almost twinkled. I was in awh at the sight of him. He slowly got closer and grabbed my face and...


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