chapter 5

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Nicole's POV

Megan had this happy glint in her eye that i hadn't seen in a while. She had that look in her eyes the entire time she was explaining what was happening between her and Harry. "Wow that sounds... perfect." I said. "It was. It really was." Megan said with this goofy love struck grin on her face. "Ok so now tell me what your news." She said with curiosity written all over her face. "Well my story is a lot shorter than yours." She nodded her head as a way of saying carry on. "Ok. After work I'm going on a date with Niall!" We both squealed with excitement then our boss came out of nowhere and said "Girls get to work!" And so we did


Once I was done with work I went to the bathroom and put on this summer dress that's was an orange yellow purple ish color. It kind of reminded me of the perfect sunset.

After I made sure I looked perfect I walked out of the club and I spotted Niall standing next to his car on his phone. I could tell he was watching a vine made by Brent Rivera. I knew this because you could here his signature mmhhmm. I watched him giggle at Brent and it sounded like angels singing in my head. I cleared my voice and that managed to get his attention. He quickly locked his phone and pulled out a dozen purple roses. I gasped. "How did you know my favorite flower was purple roses?" He just shrugged and said "A little birdy told me." I giggled and he opened the door for me and got in

We drove for about 3 minutes when I broke the silence. "So where are you going to take me?" He had this cute smirk on his face as he said " that love is a surprise." I huffed as we pulled up to this field. He ran out and opened my door like a gentleman. "After you m'lady." I decided to join in. "Why thank you good sir." I said on a fake British accent. He laughed with me and we walked out. We passed a few trees and we came upon a group of trees in a circle with twinkling lights and a blanket in the middle with 3 picnic baskets. I gasped at the sight in front of me. "It's beautiful." I gushed out.


After eating and talking for hours we started to feel little drops of rain so we grabbed the last basket and ran to the car.

By the time we got to the car it was pouring and we were soaked. We hopped in the car and sat there catching our breathes and decided to eat what was left in the last basket. "I've never seen a girl eat as much as you." Niall said as I started to blush. "Ya I really like food." I said shyly. He smiled and said "I like a girl with a good appetite." I smile and turn 3 shades darker.

After finishing our food Niall decided it was time for me to go home so we started the drive home. I decided to break the silence with some music and turned on the radio. "Playing now with their newest hit one direction!" Then best song ever started playing and I giggled at the thought of Niall in the video. "What are you giggling about?" He asked with curiosity laced through his words. "I love the direction." Is all I said in the voice he used in the video and we both broke out in laughs. We made small conversation every once and a while on the drive but mostly we were both singing along to the songs on the radio.

When he pulled up to my apartment he walked me up and we just stared at each other with smiles on our faces "I had a lovely time with you Nicole." I blushed and said "I did too... Niall." We slightly giggled and finally said "Goodnight." Then he whispered "Goodnight." He started to lean in and I was so happy as I leaned in and kissed THE Niall Horan. Our lips moved in sync and I felt like fireworks were going off while we kissed. We finally had to part to catch our breathes. He rested his forehead on mine and we were both were panting. "Goodnight" I said and walked into the apartment and slid down the door and touched my lips. The only thing I can say about that kiss is wow!

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