Chapter 16

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Nicole's pov

I woke up to my head lying on Luke's chest. I took a whiff of his cologne filled shirt I was wearing. I like his smell. A lot. I looked up at his face and noticed a little beard growing on his chin. As I was admiring his face he groaned and said "Its rude to stare." Then his pink lips slowly pulled into a smirk. I lowered my face to his chest trying to conceal my face from the embarrassment. He gave me a small squeeze the got up and went to the bathroom. I sat up and looked in his direction. He peeked out from the bathroom with a toothbrush. I climbed out of bed and walked over grabbing the toothbrush and making my way to the sink. He smeared the tooth paste on his toothbrush before handing it to me. I repeated the action then started to brush my teeth. Once my teeth were brushed I went into the room and changed into my jeans while Luke used the toilet. "Hey Luke will you come with me to go get my stuff from Niall's room?" I heard him sigh and say "I guess." He walked out and threw on a shirt and jeans. And we walked to the room. I put the key in the room and walked to the room with Luke following behind me. When I opened that door I felt my heart shatter and fall to the ground scattering the floor in tiny fragments. Ali was lying butt naked on top of Niall who was also very much so naked. I turned around and Luke looked confused at my facial expression. Right when I was going to say something Harry came out of the room. "Damn Nicole you must of been really good last night cuz I've never heard Niall through the walls before." A couple tears escaped my eyes and Megan came out of their room and smiled at Harry then looked worryingly at me. "What's wrong? What happened?" I pointed to Niall's room. She walked in then quickly turned around and slammed the door closed. "Who the hell is that girl and why is she naked on top of my Bestfriend's boyfriend?!" She yelled in her very overdramatic way that could only come from Megan. I was sobbing and all the boys were coming out to see what all the noise was. While hugging Megan, Harry explained what was going on. After the boys were all caught up Harry went into Niall's room and grabbed my stuff and handed it to Luke while Madi helped me walk to the Luke's room. Once we were there I payed on the bed and cried for about 2 hours. I had finally calmed myself down for about 5 minutes then there was a knock on the door. Luke went to check it since Megan left to go get some food. He opened the door and there stood Niall. I did hear much except when Luke tried to say "she doesn't want to see you." I cut him off though "it's fine. We need to talk." I said rather harshly. Luke nodded and left the room leaving me and Niall alone. We were silent for a few minutes then he said. "Nicole I'm so sorry." I started laughing which terrified him. "You're sorry. You're sorry. You. Are. Sorry! I saw the pictures of kissing her! At first I was hoping it was just a fluke but to walk in OUR room to see HER lying on top of you with nothing on." I yelled, "Then to hear that not only did it happen but that you enjoyed it from Harry." I whispered. "No Niall sorry isn't going to cut it." He was speechless then he looked pissed. "It's your fault it even happened. All I wanted to do was explain myself but you wouldn't even look at me!" He yelled. "My fault!" I screamed at him. At this point I was crying but not from a broken heart but because I was beyond pissed. "So it's my fault that you got shit faced. It's my fault you kissed her. It's my fucking fault that you slept with her!" I yelled slowly getting louder with each sentence. Right when he was about to say something I stopped him. "No you don't get to fucking speak. It wasn't my fault it was yours and now that I see how easily you would put me to blame I only have one thing to say to you. Go fuck your self, we're through." He was shocked but then said "But I love you." I shook my head and said "If you loved me then you wouldn't have hurt me." I turned my back to him and he left the room with nothing else to say. I slammed the door and sat on the bed full of mixed emotions and the only thing I knew to do was to cry so that's what I did. I cried because even though he did wrong we were both to blame. I'm not perfect like her and I'll never be like that so its better off that i let him have the life he deserves. I continued to cry till Megan came back 20 minutes later. She dropped the Johnny Rockets on the table and rushed to my side. I explained what happened. She lowered me so I was lying on the bed and cuddled with me for comfort. My eyes closed and I fell asleep.

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