chapter 3

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Nicole's POV

I woke up cuddled into Niall's chest with his arms wrapped around me. I looked at our surroundings and realized that we were the only ones on the couch in the living room. I looked at Niall as he laid there look so peaceful and innocent and I couldn't help but imagine waking up to him in his sleeping state everyday. The sudden erg to pee swept over me while I was admiring the sweet leprechaun next to me. I shook him hoping that maybe that would wake him up but he just groaned and held on to me tighter. Man I have no idea how I'm going to wake him up. As I was thinking of ways to wake him up I thought of how the girls usually wake up the guys in my books. So I decided to wake him up like the girls in my books, by a kiss. The second our lips touched I felt electricity pulse through my veins. The kiss was nothing more than a peck but it felt like eternity. I couldn't stop the sudden butterflies in my stomach.

After the kiss Niall's eyes fluttered open and he had the most adorable grin plastered on his face then he spoke with his sexy morning voice "You don't realize how happy I would be if I could wake up like this everyday." with every word I felt heat slowly rise to my cheeks. Then I pulled out of his grasp and asked where the bathroom was and he pointed down the hall. Once I got to the bathroom I let this silly grin lift up on my face and I could still feel his soft lips on mine. Then I remembered I needed to pee.

After doing my business I walked into the living room to find it empty. I walked into the kitchen and decided to make breakfast. I was going to make a simple breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast.. I pulled out 14 pieces of bread and 7 plates with 21 eggs and 14 bacon slices. While I pulled out couple of pans Niall came up from behind me and scared me. "ahh! NIALL JAMES HORAN!" I screamed then he shoosh'd me and lead me to this room. when I was about ask why we were there I heard light snores and I saw Megan and Harry cuddled up in the bed and I couldn't stop myself but I aww'd to loud and woke them up they started stirring in the bed but before they could see us we left Harry's room and headed to the kitchen. We started cooking breakfast for everyone and the whole house smelled like bacon when we were done.

After eating breakfast me and Megan decided to go back to our apartment to change into some clean clothes. The boys really wanted to spend the whole day with us but we had to work tonight so we could spend the whole day we could only spend up till like 2ish.


After we were dressed and clean we decided to head to the mall, again. Only difference this time was that I was arguing with Louis everywhere we went because he wanted to buy me clothes and I didn't think I was gonna wear any of it. He was currently holding this gorgeous purple and blue summer dress that I thought was very pretty but I knew I was never going to wear it. "just put it back Lou I'm never going to wear it." he was being more stubborn than Megan which to be honest I didn't think that was possible. "you'd look gorgeous in it Nicole now get out of my way I'm buying it for you." and with that he pushed me out of the way and sprinted towards the cashier and paid for the dress.

By the time we were done shopping I had 6 crop tops and 3 pairs of shorts and 2 dresses which I'll never wear I thought to myself. We headed to me and Megan's apartment and we started to get ready for work. I decided that I was going to wear my white and black infinity crop top and a pair of black short, which I got today. as I was pulling my purple tank top off I heard Niall talking but little did I know that he was just gonna barge into my room while he was talking to me. "Hey Nicole I was wondering..." he paused when he saw me in only my black laced push up bra. "NIALL GET OUT!" I screamed at him as I tried to cover myself with my arms. He ran out and I quickly threw my clothes on.

I walked into the living room ready to yell at Niall for not knocking but found him sitting there with a deep red blush on his cheeks and at that sight my mind forgot that I was mad at him and all I could think is how cute he looked embarrassed. I was about to say some but he beat me to it. " Nicole I'm so sorry I didn't mean to barge in like that I am so sorry!" with that being said I sighed and said "Its ok it was a simple mistake. I just came back out because I wanted to know what you were going to ask me." he smile at how I forgave him then instantly became nervous. "um I was um wondering if you umm wanted to maybe I don't know um hang out after you get out of work?" I was just about to say yes but then I remember that I had to work till 10pm tonight. "Niall," I said with disappointment clear in my voice. With just that one word Niall's entire face fell. " I would love to but today I work till 10 and that's pretty late." With that simple explanation his whole face lit up with relief and hope, I don't know why but with that look in his eyes it made my heart double in speed while it was doing flips in my chest. "I honestly don't care how late it gets all I want it spend time with you." His words turned my cheeks crimson. "ok so if you take me to work and pick me up I'll hang out with you." His smile was extremely heartwarming. "I'll be ready in half and hour then we can go." he nodded.

I went into my room and straightened my hair and applied mascara and eyeliner. When I was done it was 3:30pm when I finished getting ready. "ready to go?" Niall asked. I just nodded and grabbed my purse. We made it to Aura with 10 minutes to spare. I sat in Niall's car just staring at his features like how his brunette roots were showing and how you can see green in his mesmerizing blue eyes. Then my eyes scanned his semi-toned arms and remembered what it felt to be held in those arms. Then I imagined him shirtless and I imagined his toned torso. My thoughts got interrupted by light chuckles which brought me back to reality. "Like what you see love?" You could practically see his ego growing by the second. "eh, I've seen better." I tried to say nonchalantly. He laughed and said ok in a sarcastic tone. I just can't believe that I got caught staring at him. Before I could give him anymore satisfaction I opened the car door and said "so I'll see you at 10?" he responded immediately "of course." with that we said our goodbyes and I walked into Aura only to find a very smiley Megan. "what are you so smiley about?" I asked my best friend. "I was about to ask you the same thing." with that statement my cheeks heated. "I'll tell you if you tell me." she thought about it for a minute the said "Deal!"

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