Chapter 9

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Liam's pov

I was woken up from my nap by louis saying how Nicole and Megan wanted to go to dinner at 5:30 and how we should get ready and also how she's bringing a friend. I was ok with the friend I guess but ever since me and Danielle broke up I've been craving that loving feeling. That was until we met Nicole. She is sooooo beautiful and funny and I could totally see her as my girlfriend but she's Niall's and I can't do that to my best mate.

I took a shower and shaved the little scruff on my face that had grown and did my hair. I threw on a pair of jeans and a button up shirt and a pair of vans. I decided to go with the classic teenage boy look, kind of. By the time I was finished getting ready to go it was 4:50 so we went and picked up the girls and headed to le bleu.

When we got there it was 5:20 so we were waiting for Nicole's friend. As we were waiting I couldn't help but stare at Nicole and how fondly she looks at Niall and just wish she would look at me like that. Just as I was gonna speak Nicole's friend Meagan appeared and let me tell you she looked GORGEOUS! She had a beautiful navy dress on that fit her body perfectly. Her hair was straight and her make up looked light and natural which I like. Her and Nicole talked but I wasn't paying attention till she talked to louis which I was paying attention to. "Secrets don't make friends love." She smirked and said "But friends do you make secrets... Love" she smirked at her answer and I chuckled. Just then I got this gut feeling that this girl was going to turn my whole world around.


After dinner Meagan took me to her place. "It's not much but hey it's home." She said as we walked into her apartment. It was small but had a homey feel to it. "Would you like anything to drink?" Meagan asked. I shook my head and replied "No. But thank you." I said with a smile. We stayed there and talked for about 2 hours about nothing and everything. After a while I realized that I had to meet up with the boys tomorrow to go and write some more songs. "I'm so sorry Meagan but I have to leave. Me and the guys have to meet up tomorrow morning. I wish I could stay but if I did I'd never get home haha." She nodded her head in understanding. "Ya I have to get to work early tomorrow so it would be best for me to sleep." She smiled which caused me to smile also. We hugged goodbye and I was on my way home.

I got home about midnight and just went straight to bed. I laid in bed and the only thoughts I had that night were of Meagan. I thought about her short red hair and her beautiful brown eyes. And how I could get lost in those eyes forever. And with that thought I fell asleep hoping to dream of that beautiful ginger gal.

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