Chapter 2

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I looked over to where the clapping was coming from and I saw the one and the only Niall. James. Horan. "Wow that was amazing!" He said in his very sexy Irish accent. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I received the compliment that Niall gave me. I quickly started to run off the stage and grab my stuff just as I was about to get out Niall stopped me from closing the door. "What's the matter love?" He said clearly confused. "I've got to go." That's all I could manage to say to him. As I walked over to where the car should be that's when I realized that Madi left before me so I have no car to take me home. Crap now how am I going to get home?

"You know love I could always give you a ride." I didn't say anything but I just nodded as I walked with Niall over to the car where I'm guessing Paul was in the drivers seat. "where do you live love?" I told them my address and he drove me home. It was silent the whole ride there until we pulled up to my house. "What's your name love?" "Nicole. Nicole Ramos." "Well Nicole Ramos do you mind if I could just borrow your cell phone for a minute?" I nodded and handed him my phone after unlocking it. He sat there for awhile doing god knows what then he finally handed my phone back to me. "I'll see you later love." and with that I left the car and walked up to The apartment that Megan and I share.

I walked into the apartment still trying to put together what just happened. Did I just meet Niall Horan from One Direction? Did he really like my singing? and what the hell did he do to my phone? All these thoughts were going through my head and I felt a headache coming on. I walked in and all you could hear were the light snores coming from Madi's room. I went to my room after locking the door to our apartment. I unlocked my phone and it went straight to text messages and there was 1 new text in there: hey its Nicole's phone ~Niall the fav he had also added Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn's numbers to my phone. Did I mention that he took 200 pics and made himself my lock screen and wallpaper and he added all of 1D's music too my phone.

I laid in bed and listened to my sleep playlist on my phone when all of a sudden little things started playing. I groaned and I sat up and decided to call Niall. *ring ring ring ring* "Hello?" "Really you even changed my sleep playlist?!?!" all I heard were chuckles over the phone." I thought that me and the boys 'angelic voices' could help you sleep." Damn he read my notes! He laughed then said "Don't worry love your secret is safe with me." "so what else did you change in my phone?" he chuckled "That sweetheart is for me to know and for you to find out!" and with that he said goodnight and hung up before I could say anything. Man I have a feeling that these boys are going to change my entire world! After that I went to sleep while listening to little things and all I could hear was Niall's voice singing harmony in the background and man does that boy have an amazing voice. And with that I fell into a peaceful slumber


I woke up to the sound of Love me by Justin Bieber which last time I checked was definitely not on my phone. I answered the call very bitter and groany "what?" I didn't know who was calling me but who ever they were they were waking me up from my peaceful sleep. "well good morning to you too princess." then that sexy little leprechaun laughed at my groan. "why are you calling me so early?"

"its nine thirty love." he said very amused. "ya its like the middle of the night" and with that comment Niall laughed. "Well get ready me and the boys are goin to pick you up in an hour." he said very confident. " I can't just leave my best friend especially if I'm leaving with her absolute favorite band ever." he was silent for a couple of seconds probably thinking about what I just said. "she can come too." and with that he hung up before I could protest.

~1 hour later~

I was sitting in our living room waiting for the boys and my very excited best friend Megan. That's when I heard the door bell ring. "I'VE GOT IT!!!!!!!!!" is all you could hear coming from Megan's room. She ran up to the door then screamed when she opened the door and saw all 5 boys standing there in front of her. "OMG OMG OMG YOU ACTUALLY HERE OMG I'M LIKE YOUR GUY'S BIGGEST FAN!!!" I laughed and the extremely scared look on all of their faces and then you hear Harry slight whisper "mate are you sure we're at the right house?" once his eyes landed on me he smiled and nodded then all the boys looked and me and then looked and him then pushed him towards me while saying "get some". I stood up and walked over to the blonde Irish one while Megan entertained the others. At first there was an awkward silence between me and Niall but that ended when I decide to voice my thoughts. "sooooooo where are you gonna take us?" with this question he smiled cockily. "its a surprise." he plainly stated. I glared at him then grabbed my purse and told him that we should go.

After about 20 minutes of being driven around we pulled up to a building that I'd never seen before. Once we started to walk towards this bus building I noticed that the boys were wearing hats and sunglasses. We walked into this restaurant called Nandos. I guess that there are only a few of these here in the states. The smile on Niall's face made my heart do flips. I'm not sure why, but it did.

We stayed there for about an hour eating and during that time I realized that Nandos is Niall's favorite restaurant. Megan and Harry were really hitting it off during this meal. After we ate we decided to go the guy's apartment to watch a movie and the guys decided that we should watch a horror movie, which if you know me you know I hate horror movies. They picked the movie and put it in. Unlike me Megan loved horror movies. I decided to cuddle up into Niall's arms as the movie played and I buried my face into his chest ever time something happened and I could feel the vibration in Niall's chest every time I got scared cuz he would lightly chuckle at my reaction. By the end of the movie I was completely horrified. It was about 1:30pm when the movie ended so we decided that it would be good to eat some lunch so we did so. After that we decided to go shopping cuz we had nothing better to do since we didn't work that day. We saw some stuff but nothing worth spending our money. And by the time we were done shopping it was already 8 pm.

We went back to their apartment and made some spaghetti and ate and we had a lovely time. We decided on watching another movie and we were currently voting on what kind of movie to watch and sadly I lost in votes. I voted for comedy/chick flick and everyone else voted for horror. 5 minutes into the movie and I was hiding in Niall's shirt, again. I decided that I was just safer if I stay cuddled up into Niall. I screamed when I felt something squeeze me but then realized it was just Niall. I instantly relaxed at the thought of Niall protecting me. And with that thought I drowned out the sound of the movies and everybody else but Niall and fell asleep in his arms.

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