Chapter 11

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Niall's pov (I thought I'd change it up a bit)

"Let's do this" she said with such confidence. I smiled at her response "well we better get going then" Liam said. Liam is such an inspiration. He can be fun but you can also take charge. I gave them all a nod as we exited the apartment. It was about a 10 minute drive so it didn't take us very long to get there. Mean a cool walked through the crowd of like 20 people while holding each other's hands. These fans are so dedicated that they found exactly where we were. I love the fans they have to admit it's kinda creepy at the always find us even though we didn't tweet anything. I walked through smiling but we didn't have the time to sign or talk to anyone because we were going to be late. So Paul helped guide us through the crowd into the station.

"Hello boys we are glad to have you guys here!" The interviewer said quite enthusiastically. "We're glad to be here." Harry says with a smile as he holds Megan's hand. I smile as a look at Nicole she looks at me nervous but I can understand. She looks at me with such adoration, I was nervous that she would think that I was moving too fast by announcing to the world that she's my girlfriend. "Niall. Niall!" Liam was snapping his fingers in front of my face while yelling my name. "Huh?" I say obviously confused "I've been calling your name for two minutes." Liam said smiling at me like he knew what I was thinking about. "Oh... Uh what's up?" I asked as a deep blush appeared on my cheeks when I noticed everyone is giving me that look. "We're gonna start the interview." Zane said. I nodded and gave Nicole a look that said 'are you sure?' She smiled and then that made me grin bigger than the Cheshire cat.

"Okay and we are here today with the oh so famous one direction say hello boys." "Hello!" We all said in unison. "Okay so before we start we want you guys to answer a few fan questions. Okay so question from @1DfanForever (I don't know if it's an actual account) asks who is single and who's not?" Louis started "I'm not single. I'm still with my top carrot Eleanor." He said gleefully. Liam spoke next "I am a single Pringle." He said smiling but I could tell he's not exactly happy about it. And then it was Zayn "I'm still engaged with my beautiful fiancée Perry. Love you babe." Then it was Harry's turn "this lovely lady right next to me is my beautiful girlfriend Megan. So another words I am not single. Sorry ladies." Then finally it was my turn "And this beauty next to me is Nicole my girlfriend" I smiled at her and kiss the side of her head. "Wow! so Liam is the only one single." we all nodded then we answered a few more fan questions.

"okay boys are final question is when will you boys start up the tour again? The interviewer asked. We all looked at Liam for this one. "Um... actually we start up again in a week" he said. Then my face fell. I only have a week left with Nicole. "I'm going to guess that by the look on Niall and Harry's faces says they didn't know about this." Me and Harry nodded slowly. "Well that's all we have for today so thanks boys for being here and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day."

Once he walked away Nicole looked at me with tears bringing her eyes. "You're leaving in a week and you didn't think to tell me!" She yelled. "I didn't know. We usually just expect Liam to remember then a few days before we leave he tells us to pack." I say calmly. Tears betray her and slide down her face. I go to wipe the tear on her face but she swats my hand and says no! She and Megan were both crying and hugging each other. They both looked at each other then said "we need to go home we have work." They fixed each other's faces that started to walk out. They're faces were wiped of any emotion. It killed me to see her cry but it was worse seeing her not show any emotion.

When we got to their apartment I walked Nicole to the door and Harry went with Megan. We walked them inside and Harry and Megan went into Megan's room to talk. I tried to speak to Nicole but she walked to her room and said "you can let yourself out." then slammed her bedroom door. I figured she needed time to calm down so I left her apartment and texted Harry telling him that I was in car and he quickly told me not to wait up. I started driving and just want to punch a wall so I drove to a Walmart and got some work out gear and head to the nearest gym.
~2 1/2 hours later~
I walked out of the gym hot and sweaty and decided to go back to the apartment. After about two days I decided that I wanted to call Nicole. *ring ring* "I'm sorry the person you are calling is unavailable please." I hung up and decided to talk to her in person. When I got to her house I went to open the door and was surprised to find it unlocked. I walked over to her room and knocked on the door and I heard a go away from the other side and loud sobbing. "Nicole please open the door" I begged hoping that she would actually listened. It was silent so I figured she was shaking her head. I walked in and said "Nicole you're going to have to talk to me whether you like it or not." she looked at me with tears stains on her cheeks and said "NO! I don't want to talk to you right now I just want to sit here and cry." I wanted to see her smile so I finally asked her "will you go on tour with me?" She looked taken back but then smiled and said "Are you sure you want to take me?" And I smiled and said "Nothing would make me happier."She giggled and said "Fine I guess I'll go." as soon as she finished saying that I placed 1 million small packs all of her face. This is going to be the best Tour ever!

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