Chapter 15

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Niall's POV

We walked up to the doors and saw the flashing cameras and the heard the screams of the girls. I remembered my first time with the paparazzi. The flashing of the cameras were bright and blinding. I take off my jacket and say "cover your face with this." In an instant her face looks hurt and she whispers "I knew it was too good to be true." and with that she turns around sprinting. I then realize what it must have looked like I was ashamed of her so I run after her calling her name. She rushes into an elevator. I see the elevator stop but not on our floor on the 5 SOS floor so when the elevator come I go there. I go to Ashton's room and ask him if he's seen anything and he said how him and the lads were going to go ask Luke if he wanted to hang but he was with her and she was crying. I give him a quick thanks the race to Luke's room. I quickly open the door and I find Luke about to kiss Nicole. "What the hell!" I yell. Nicole looks at me and looks like she's about to apologize but then looks hurt and walks to the bathroom with tears rushing down her face at the sight of me. I hear the door lock and I look at an extremely pissed off Luke. He calms quickly and says softly "How could you be ashamed of her? I thought you said you'd actually try with one. How could you screw things up so soon? I can't believe you'd hurt such a beauty as Nicole." Slightly yelling towards the end with a disappointed look on his face the entire time. I look at the ground and say "She misread the situation." He looked at me extremely confused. "What do you mean?" I tell him what happened and he listens closely. Once I was done he looked guilty for his actions. "I'm so sorry mate." I know I should be mad at him but I can't. He's one of my best friends. Yes I'm upset but I can't blame him, he didn't know. I hug him and say "It's ok. You didn't know."

Nicole's POV

I rushed into the bathroom crying. I'm not ready to hear his excuses. I push my back against the wall and slide down it and continue to cry a river. (Damn you Justin! Lol) I made myself quiet and all I here are quiet mumbles. Then suddenly it's silent. I hear a knock on the door. "Nicole love. Open the door please." He speaks loud enough for me to here but still soft, full of desperation. "No. I don't want to talk to you. Just go away." I say shakily. My voice cracks and fades with each word. After that all I heard was Luke. "Give her space..... I know but still just let her calm down." I didn't hear what Niall said but I heard the door to the room close. "He's gone." Luke said through the wood of the door. I wipe the tears off my cheek and try to stand up but I can't. I'm too emotionally drained to tell each muscle to hold itself up. I unlock the door and lean on the frame to support my upper body. Luke opens the door and gets down on his knees and sits on his feet. "He's not ashamed of you." I glare at him. "I know he is. You don't even know what happened. The look in his eye said everything. He was worried." I paused." He was worried if be seen by the public." He shook his head and said "He told me what happened." I scoffed " and how do you know he was telling the truth." He sighed and said "I don't but I trust Niall." I looked away from him and said "Well I don't." He stood up and reached down for my hand and helped me stand. "You know what let's watch a movie and I'll let you two deal with this later." I nodded my head and willingly went to the bed. We didn't end up watching a movie but we watched my favourite show, doctor who. My phone was being blown up with tweets and continuously buzzed so I decided to check it. One tweet said "How could he do that to you?" And another said "I'm sorry he did that you deserve better." I was confused till I saw that a picture of Niall and a girl tagged as Ali McGinley kissing. He was wearing the exact outfit today. I looked at the details of the picture and it looked exactly like the new club that opened yesterday down the street. Luke looked at me and said "What's wrong?" Tear ran down my face then I started to sob. I handed him my phone and he looked at it then hugged me as I cried into his chest. After crying for a little while I said "Can I stay here tonight?" He nodded and I wiped my eyes for the last time that night. He handed me an all time low shirt and I went into the bathroom to change. I removed my sweater and jeans and replaced them with the shirt. It hung to my mid-thigh. I walked out of the bathroom and I faced Luke and he gulped at my appearance. I blushed and tried to pull the shirt down a little more. He looked away and darted blushing himself. He opened a drawer and said "Here you can wear these boxers also." You could tell he was nervous by the tone of his voice. I nodded and slipped on the boxers. I sat on the bed and Luke spoke "I'll sleep on the floor, you can have the bed." I frowned at the thought of sleeping alone, it had been awhile. "You could always join me in the bed." I suggested. He looked like he was about o argue but kept it to himself. We laid in the bed, him behind me and me laying there with streams of tears rolling out of my eyes. The only think I could think about was how i wasn't good enough for him since I wasn't either a celebrity or well known like Ali. With my head filled with insecurities and a pillow filled with tears of heartbreak, I slowly drifted to sleep.

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