Chapter 10

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Nicole's pov

I woke up in Niall's arms but something was different this time, we weren't on the couch. I can remember falling asleep on the couch but I don't remember ever getting up. I turned around and looked at Niall. He looked so peaceful while he was sleeping. I looked at the clock on his night stand next to him and it read 5 AM. I almost wanted to give myself a high five for getting up so early. I realized that Niall had an interview at 6:30 so I placed my hands gently on his face and gave him a few pecks all over and finally kissed his lips but only for a second. His eyes started to flutter open when you heard his thick Irish accent say "morning love". His morning voice what almost to much to handle as shivers crawled up my spine. "Do I make you shiver?" Niall asked amusingly. My cheeks started to blush as I realized I'd been caught. I quickly replied with a simple no as he chucked and said "whatever you say darlin".

He leaned down and just as he was about to kiss me Louis barged in yelling "WAKE UP YOU 2! OH MY GOSH WOULD YOU 2 GET A ROOM!" Niall laughed a full hearted laugh that made me smile then he rested his forehead on mine then said "I guess we should get ready." I gave him a confused look as I repeated out loud the word we. "Yes we. You're coming with me today." I sighed "but I don't have any clothes with me." I whined hoping that I could stay home and get a couple more hours of sleep. "NIALL IS IT OK FOR ME TO PUT THE CLOTHES IN YOUR ROOM OR IS SOMEONE NAKED?" Louis screamed. "Clothes?" I questioned. "I'M TAKING THE SILENCE AS A YES SO IM COMING IN SO COVER WHATEVER NEEDS TO BE COVERED!" Louis shouted. He waltzed in and handed me and Niall both a bag. "for you and for you" then he skipped out of the room. We both pulled out the shirts and they said 'he's with me' and 'she's with me' and had arrows that pointed to each other. "He is so damn cheesy." I said and got up and ran into the bathroom to change.

I slipped the shirt on and threw on the new pair of shorts Louis had bought me and laced up the new vans. I looked up and say how terrible my face and hair looked. So I fixed my make up and yelled for Liam. "LIAM CAN I BORROW YOUR STRAIGHTENER?" I hear he say "sure but please hurry." So rushed out and turned it on to full heat. Once it was hot enough I made sure my hair was perfect. I oped the bathroom door and Liam said "I swear if you tell anyone I have a pink straightener I will kill you." He threatened and I laughed and patted his shoulder and said "everybody already knows." And he had a full poker face as I walked away.

I peeked into Harry's room only to see his back and see Megan down on her knees. "What in the world is going on here!" Megan looked at me and looked at Harry and looked at how she was sitting then said "this is not what it looks like." she said while looking extremely embarrassed. "I can't get these damn pants on! Can you please help because one person is not good enough!" I laughed then said sure. Me and Megan were pulling for maybe 2 minutes then his pants were finally on. "Harry. I say this as your friend I think you need to get jeans that are not as tight." He laughed and said "that'll never happen but thanks for the help." He said with a cheesy grin. He walked out and so I pulled Megan to the side and said "so what did you and Harold do last night??" I asked teasingly and she responded with "it was nice." I gave her the seriously look and said " 'it was nice' is all I get I am your best friend you need to tell me everything! and don't skip out on the horny details." For the first time in a while I saw Megan blush and she said "later. We have to go the boys are probably looking for us thinking what is taking these two girls so long."

We walked into the living room and the boys looked like they were about to do a photo shoot. I stand there and gave them only for second that I left because Niall standing there smiling while looking the matching shirts we have. I walk over to him and place a kiss on his cheek and hold his hand. Now leans down and says "time to announce to the world who stole my heart." If you had said anything different I would have protested but the simple words for a confidence that I didn't even know I had. I look him in the eye and say "let's do this!"

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