Feeling It.

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Stars shone up above, careful hands flicked pages over as quills scraped across parchment and a few spills were cleared up as black parchment was studied. "How are we meant to remember all of this? The Study of Ancient Runes was a mistake. I think that I know enough languages, never mind all of these symbols." Eliana pulled the book up and covered her face behind the pages as she tried to close the pages around her face.

"I'm not the smartest witch of our age but I do know that if you want to learn about something then you need to study it and you can't study it if your eyes are closed and that close to the pages." Eliana practically threw the book back onto the table in front of her as she saw the strained faces of her friends.

"That's where you're wrong. Mum told me about this thing called osmosis. Muggles study it at school and apparently, it is the net mass movement of water across a semipermeable membrane. So, all I need to do is put all of these ideas into some water and hope my face is both a membrane and semipermeable enough." Confused Ravenclaw students were left without an answer to their silent questions as a small, pretty owl landed on Eliana's arm. Tied to the owl's leg was a letter.

"Hello, Einstein." The bird fluffed its wings and Eliana picked up Su's cup of pumpkin juice and offered him some and despite Su's objections, the bird drank. Although a little confused by the sudden arrival of her owl, the envelope was untied and Eliana watched as her little owl flew off into the night sky.

"Who's it from?"Eliana examined the squiggles and noticed that their writing was a little messy but not rushed and their words were strangely specific.

Eliana Amour Abaza

Ravenclaw Common Room,

The armchair hidden by bookcases.

(Open at your earliest convenience and when alone)

Grateful for the distraction, Eliana packed away her belongings and winked at her friends in passing. The steps up to the female dorm rooms seemed busier than usual as older and younger students rushed between rooms. Fortunately for Eliana, a gust of fourth years moved up the steps with her and so she huddled in with them. Their dorm room was located further along the hall and so quickly she made her escape through her door and with a thud, her bed was jumped onto and with a wave of her wand, the curtains around her bed swayed closed. The second Eliana was sure that she was alone and as her wand lit up the small space hidden behind the curtains, the letter was practically ripped open.

Eliana Abaza,

I was hoping that you could come to see me in my office. I have written to Professor Flitwick, provided you opened this letter quickly, you should find him in his quarters. If you took a little longer then he may be a little disgruntled but he should still be in his quarters, perhaps the door will need to be knocked a little harder though.

Sincerely, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

P.S perhaps it would be best to bring this letter with you and do not delay, I must admit that I am still in my pyjamas myself. Not that your friends need to know about any of this.

Closing the letter, Eliana pulled at her jumper and shrugged lazily, too tired to care about her appearance. The time was nearly midnight and as Eliana approached the Common Room, it was filled with almost only fifth-years and upwards. A few students from younger years did manage to snake into the room but they appeared to have fallen asleep over their work and one piece of work that looked completed had ink spilt over it as the first-year had spilt the pot as they slept. Eliana waved her wand and cleaned the ink splotch for him but she was sure the cold air would wake him up soon anyway. Just as Eliana pushed open the door, her hand found the handle to leave the room, a distant voice picked up from across the Common Room.

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