Chapter 5: Cat-astrophe

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*y/n pov*

I need to find a way to increase the amount of Xp I get per Dungeon.


The menu for the system pops up showing everything from the time of day to my stats, in the bottom right it has the settings to do with the Dungeons. Reading from the top to bottom I see that in the middle had somthing I should have known.

-To stay in a Dungeon simply say 'Continue mission' to gain a new objective and higher tier enemies.'-

You've gotta be kidding me! All this time when I was vanishing into the fucking void I could've gone to the next level, that's bullshit. I can even pick which Dungeon I go to, why the hell didn't system tell me about this.

Huffing to my self I Finnish up my breakfast before checking the date Saturday all right I've got two days to train before I have to go school, but I've also gotta visit Urahara later since he needs me for somthing though he hasn't told me why.

Y/n:Guess it can't be helped, I'll visit Urahara now then train later.

Tiedying my house I make sure nothing looks suspicious or has any trace of spiritual pressure before picking up a small carrier bag I had stashed in the corner, walking out the door I immediately see Jinta angrily sweeping the concrete around Urahara shop.

Y/n:Hey Jinta! Why so serious?

Jinta:Hm? Oh hi Y/n, Urahara's making me clean 'cus I back talked him.

Y/n:Take a break, here.

Reaching into my bag I throw him a pack of curly wurlys (Such a good fucking chocolate.) with the Boy sitting down with a 'Thanks man!' Nodding to him I walk Into the shop, as I get in I see Ururu and Tessai stacking up different products on the shelves of the shop.

Y/n:Hey guy's.

Tessai:Hi Y/n.


I do the same thing I did with Jinta giving Ururu a pack of curly wirly's as well as giving Tessai a new type of tea as well as a magazine on TV medicines, I compliment how good the shop looks getting a bone crushing hug and some tears from Tessai. Patting him on the back I try to wrestle my way out of his grip.

Y/n:Okay big guy, Is Urahara in?

Tessai:*Sniff* He's in the back.

He let's go letting me walk to the back and towards the house section of the building, opening the sliding door I see Urahara sitting down at his table with a cup of tea. Without saying anything I take a seat opposite him.

Urahara:Oh? Y/n I didn't see you come in, what can I do for you?

Y/n:I came for the thing you needed me for.

Urahara:The thing?

He rubs his chin in thought making me groan, after a bit he smiles.

Urahara:Ah yes the thing.

Y/n:Just spit it out bucket hat!

Urahara:Me and the rest of the gang are gonna be out of town for a while and I want you to look after the shop.

Y/n:Well I'm honered you'd think of me to do this.

He picks up a fan before cooling himself off and hiding his face.

Urahara:well you're close and have a lot of free time, so we picked you.

He then moves his hand behind his back.

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