Chapter 8

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That night Pan and Tom sat out in the porch swing gazing at the stars.

"I don't want leave tomorrow." Pan muttered leaning her head onto Tom's shoulder.

A faint pink blush rose to his cheeks but was not noticed in the dark.

"I don't want you to leave either but what can we do." Tom said sincerely.

Pan looked up and into his eyes.

"You know ever since we met I've had this pit in the bottom of my stomach like something is missing between us. I never knew what but I think I do know." She said leaning in to kiss the boy.

Tom was taken aback by the sudden confession but started to lean in as well when he saw the sincerety in her eyes.

Just as their lips were about to touch the door opened and there stood Beckg with a tear stained face.

"Becky? What's wrong?" Pan asked her little sister. Pan olaced Beck onto her lap facing herself and Tom.

"My tooth fell out." She said.

"But that's a good thing. It means your growing up." Tom said softly trying to calm her down.

"I tikd mommy but she said that she would but a dollar under my pillow. Js the tooth fairy even real?" Becky asked. This broke the couples hearts.

"Of course the tooth fairy's real. Mommy is just helping out because we aren't at home." Pan explained trying to calm down her sister.

"I know. Do you wanna do something fun?" Tom asked the young girl.

She nodded and wiped away her tears.

"Alright I'll need plastic cups and string. Can you do that?" He asked her and she nodded before running inside.

"I knew you kept you around for a reason." Pan said standing up and walking towards the door.

"Your just gonna leace me hanging?" Tom asked teasingly.

Pan pretended to think before kissing him just beside his lips then walking inside.

"This woman's gonna be the death of me." He muttered before going inside.

In the children's room, there was string and cuos scattered everywhere.

People were talking to each other through the cups and laughing.

"Hey I thought I said no phones." Lenny said openjng the door.

"Hey Dad." Greg greeted.

"Are those cup phones?" He asked.

"Yeah Tom showed us. Check out Becky's."

"Sorry Dad, I've got SpondgeBob on hold. I'll call you back." She sassed making Charlotte and Pan laugh.

The dog barked and they saw the dog with a cup phone around his mouth.

"Was that a turkey?" Bean asked coming out of a chest at the bottom of the bed.

Lenny walked into the bathroom and found Andre in the bath tub.

"Best thing about these is i  can listen to Pan showering tomorrow." Andre said to Greg through the cup phone.

"WHAT?!" Lenny, Pan and Tom yelled.

"Dude that's my sister." Greg gagged.

"Ahhhhhh." Andre screamed before Lenny took the cup phone.

"Attention there has been a request to put a cup phone in all adult rooms. Go. Go. Go." Lenny said and all of the kids rushed out except for Pan and Tom who still sat in the window seat.

"You did this?" Lenny asked Tom and the boy nodded.

"Keep him around." He smirked at his daughter.

"I plan to." She said and the two went back to their room.

They gift dressed for bed and Pan finished packing.

The two went tk bed and slowky drifted off to sleep.

In the middle of the night Pan awoke because if a night made about what had happened and why she went mute.

Tom woke up due to all of the ruffling and saw Pan splashing water in her face from where he lay in bed.

"Pan? You good?" Tom asked and she nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine just go back to sleep." She insisted but he refused.

She came back to bed and was immediately engulfed by string arms and a kiss to the forehead.

"Thanks Tom." She whispered before eyes fell shut. That night she didn't have a nightmare and it just so happened to be because of a certain blonde boy.

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