Chapter 2

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Cali's p.o.v

I heard the door bell ring and answered it. it was the boys. "dad the boys are here" he came running down and pushed me out side and locked the door. I got out my phone and texted my mom
C:dad locked my outside again
M:get beau or one of them to help you or just go over there.

I went next door and walked in. I went into the backyard and they were in a baby pool. I took a picture and made it my lock screen. "hey Cali what's up" luke asked. "my dad locked me out again" I noticed 5 new boys. I pointed at them. "oh yeah Cali this is Nash Hayes Cameron and the Jacks." James said I said hi to them. "so you want to help me in my house" they all said yes. "ok so we need a Ladder a rope and paintball guns" Nash looked a me "why do we need paintball guns" jai started laughing "so that we can shoot her dad and uncles" we went and got every thing. we put the ladder on the side of my house and climbed up onto the roof. we went through the living room window. we had to use the rope to tie the guns onto it and lower it to the ground. we tiptoed to my dads 'hangout' as he calls it. the door was open so I shot one at the window and got where they couldn't see me. a minute later one was shot at us. "this means war" cameron yelled
30 minutes later my mom walked in. dad and his group gave us their guns and pointed at us. "i don't care who it was clean it up" we started cleaning it when hayes flung water at me. I grabbed a paintball and broke it on his head. everyone was a laughing. he then broke one on me.
We finished cleaning up and I jumped in the pool. my dad and uncles went somewhere. the boys jumped in too. "let's play chicken" Nash said.
The teams went: me and Hayes
Jack and Jack
Cam and Nash
The janoskians had to go home. me and Hayes beat everyone.

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