Norway pt. 2

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I got back from riding the four wheeler and he was gone. I called Alex. "Hello" "Hey Alex can you ask dad if it's ok that I come over?" "Yeah let me check". Has she was asking dad I went inside and went to the living room since my uncle and aunt were gone for awhile. "He said Ja"she said. "Great I'm coming over and staying for awhile I'm off this week" "I thought you were going with Mark.....oh wait never mind" "I'm packing now and buying a ticket, bye Al" "see ya when you get here." "DEAN, can you take me to the airport?" He nodded and drove me to the airport. 30 minutes went by and I'm at the airport. I thanked Dean and went in. 1 hour went by and Im on the plane. Anastasia and I snap chatted each other while i wait for the plane to take off. I looked at my messages. None from Mark, neither calls too that's surprising. Plane is taking off. I decided to sleep. I slept for majority of the flight. We finally landed of being awake for 2 hours. Really bright over here. Sun is up saying hello. I got off the terminal and headed straight to the exit. "Papa!" I said as I saw my dad and gave him a hug. "Hello Emily my daughter." He said with a smile. We got in the car. "Are you hungry my dear?" "Ja papa! I didn't eat anything since I got on the plane." "Oh my poor child!" He took me to lunch since it was noon there. We got to the restaurant. Not even fancy at all. "I thought you had to work?" "I do but I'm willing to take part of the time off just to come get my daughter!" He said. I smiled "thanks papa." We got our food. I got the fettuccine Alfredo with shrimp and my father got the lasagna. We talked about what's been going on. "So Mark, how is he?" I sighed and looked down. "About that Papa... I don't know if we are still together or not." He looked at me with surprise. "Go on" "Well I just want him dealing with my stuff but that's not the main reason." My dad looked at me with wide eyes. "He been seeing other girls when I'm not around." When I told my dad he was angry. "Papa, it's ok. I told him. I just thought this whole time he loved me but apparently I'm nothing to him. I tried so hard papa I don't know what to do. I guess just put it behind me and focus on my future." I said starting slowly crying. My dad took my hand and told me "Emily Kay you are trying your best. I'm glad you told him that you know. Just put him aside and forget about what happened and like you said focus on your future. Trust me I've done before that happened with me and your mother. You are a strong woman. You get that from me and your uncle" he said giggling and I giggled with him. I nodded. We finished eating and left. He took me to the house then he left. I walked in and Alex came running to me. "Emily you need to see this!" "What is it?" She grabbed my arm and showed me the tv. Mark was on. "I heard rumors going around about me seeing other girls when I'm with Jordan. The rumors are true. I don't know why I did it but Jordan told me and left. I don't know if we are still together but, Jordan if you are here I want you to come out right now." Then my uncle music came on.

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