Love is Forever

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After we ate our food we headed to the hotel. We heard noises again. I called my brother. He picked it up. "Dean I'm going to kick your ass of you don't stop because it is 11:30 at night and I wanna sleep so can you shut up and let me sleep." I said mad at Dean. "Sorry sis. Didn't know you were in the next room." He said. I started to speak in Norwegian. "Huh?" He said. "Just stop ok please. Good night." I said as I was hanging up. Mark looked at me like I was crazy. I smiled at him. "Sorry I want to get good sleep but if he keeps making out with Sable then he knows he is gonna die." I said. Mark just laughed and hugged me. I git changed into my pjs in the bathroom. So did Mark after I got changed. I later in the bed while waiting for him to get done. He came out in his big evil shirt on with shorts on. I had my big evil shirt on too but I was wearing spandex not shorts. He lied down. He pulled me close to him. I smiled. ESPN was on. It was the UCLA men's basketball team vs UNLV men's basketball team. UCLA is winning by 10 points. I looked up to see if Mark is awake. He is passed out. I heard my phone buzz. I tried to move but I couldn't so that person would have to wait till morning. I finally fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night due to a bad nightmare I had. I sat up because I was so scared that it was really. Mark got up. "Babe are you ok?" Mark said scared. "I had a bad nightmare." I said. I got up out of bed to get a drink and go to the bath room. I left the door open. I just went to splash water on my face. I heard Mark bet out of bed to come see if I'm alright. As I threw the cool water in my face. I was fine. Mark watched me. I looked at him. "I'm ok. Just I had a nightmare that I killed myself because my family died and you broke up with me." I said. Mark came over and gave me a big hug. "I will never brake up with you. I'm sorry you had that nightmare." He said sad and giving me a kiss on my forehead. I shrugged. I rubbed my eyes. I walked out of the bathroom and turned off the lights. I lied down back in bed. So did Mark. I faced him. He pulled me closer to him. I looked at the tv. Scott van pelt was on. It's must been 1 in the morning. I was awake for an hour. I didn't move. I looked up to see Mark. He is wide awake. He looked at me. "I thought you were sleeping?" He asked me. "I can't sleeping right now." I said. We looked at each other for a little bit. He decided to run my back. As I was still facing him I finally fell asleep. I was in a deep sleep. The next morning I woke up in Marks arms. I looked to see what time it is. It's 7:45. Why do I have to get up. I sat up at the side of the bed. I stretched. I looked behind me. Mark is looking at me. He is smiling. "What?" I said smiling. He shook his head. I got up and changed to my normal clothes. I was wearing g my other big evil shirt and running leggings. He got changed to his black plain tee and jeans. I was wearing tennis shoes and he was wearing his boots. We got into the rental suv and headed to the airport. We decided to get breakfast at Cracker Barrel. I had pancakes and he had an omelet. After we ate we decided to go to the gift shop since I wanted to get something for my grandpa who just had shoulder surgery. Mark was helping me choose something for my grandpa. We got him a key chain. We got back in the suv and headed to the airport to head to Austin. We arrived and checked in. We went to a restaurant in the airport that had very good ribs. We ate there because it was gonna be an hour and 30 minute wait. We watched the baseball game. It was the la angles against la dodgers. I was voting for angles, he was voting for dodgers and guess who won. Angles did. We went to our gate and waited till the plane arrived. We had to wait another hour because it had a little delay. So Mark and I went to a gift shop just to look at stuff. I had my teddy bear with me still. I held it tight to me. My phone buzzed. I received a Snapchat. It was a guy from my school name Andrew. I dated him before I dated Brock. I opened to see what he wanted. Mark watched too. It said hey how is it going. I said good. Then I put my phone away. I shook my head. We looked at the souvenirs. I saw the most beautiful picture frame ever. It was red-purple Color with blue designs that says "love is forever". I showed Mark and he loved it. We didn't get it because our plane had 10 minutes before it arrived so we headed back to our gate. The plane just arrived. We are getting on the plane. We got into our seats. We took off. I look to see what movie Mark is gonna put on. Oh my favorite. Expendables. We watched the movie. I fell asleep on his shoulder.

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