Angry Uncle Alert

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"Oh shit." I said. I sat down on the couch while I watched what was going on. My uncle Steve was PISSED. If he was there when Mark was there that would've been bad. Uncle Steve got into the ring did his thing and looked at Mark. "Taker she isn't here today because of your cheating ass!"said my uncle. The crowd went wild. "You be a dead son of a bitch I tell you that! You don't cheat on my niece. You're lucky she isn't here." Taker looked confused. "Jordan, what would she do huh?" Said Mark all big and bad. "She would whipped your ass til you bleed and make you beg for her to stop beating you." Said my uncle. I smiled. My uncle knows I would. Taker was in shock. "Girls, I'm home." Said my dad has we sat there. We didn't say anything. Alex and I were to focused for what was going on. My dad saw and sat down too. "Austin, you need to stay out of this. This isn't your business. It's between Jordan and I. So I suggest you get out."said Mark angry. My uncle laughed. "Oh taker I think you don't get it. I was the one who told her that you were doing it." Mark eyes got wide. "I saw you with Sable, Torrie, And Lita." Mark was angry and stressed. "And if I didn't tell Jordan you would kept doing what you're doing. Going on from girl to girl. I think you're just using Jordan just to get to more girls. And guess what? And that's the bottom line cause stone cold said so." His music played and left. Taker stood there and then left. The tv went to commercial. Alex, my dad, and I all looked at each other. "Someone get the popcorn this is gonna be a movie." Said my dad. "I got it." Said Alex. "That was interesting." My dad said. "Oh you should've seen the beginning!" I said. My dad just laughed. Alex came back. "Here is the popcorn." "Thanks Al." I said to her. The show came back on. It did a recap of what happened. "This is Michael Cole and now im with Stone Cole Steve Austin. So Stone Cold how did you know that the Undertaker was cheating on Jordan Austin?" Asked Michael. "The matter of fact that it was easy I walked around and saw him doing that stuff. THE FACT I SAW HIM DOING IT FOR OVER THE TIME THAT HE AND JORDAN WERE TOGETHER PISSES ME OFF. She deserves better!" Said a very angry uncle. "Now if that it I need to get ready for my match now leave before I put my foot up your ass." That was the end of the interview then the screen went to a walking deadman. Very angry about him getting into our business. "Up next is the main event Undertaker vs Stone Cold Steve Austin after the break" said Jerry the King Lawler.

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