Am I The One?

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After what happened yesterday was not fun. I woke up before Mark did. I looked at him peacefully sleeping. I got out quietly and calm as I can. I changed to a pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt. I went to the kitchen to get my phone and sit on the couch. Im thinking am I the right one for Mark. He has to deal with my shit and I don't want him to. I called my mom. No answer.  Of course I've shouldn't know. I went outside and catch my breath. I called Alex. She picked up. "Hey! Where are you?" I asked her. "I'm at Mom's. Why?" She asked me. "I'm gonna get on a plane right now" I said as I walked in and got my bag that was still down stairs. "Why? Wait Emily, what happened?" Alex said with a shake in her voice. "Nothing. I just wanna go home." I said. I ended the call. I walked out of the house and to the airport. I walked out the front door and closed the door quietly as I can. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was my uncle. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "Get in the truck your not going to your moms." He said. "Why?" I asked. "She did something she wasn't supposed to do. Alex is now heading to Norway." Am I surprised? No. I got in the truck and we headed to Victoria. On the way back home we talked about why I needed to leave the house. My uncle understood. We arrived home. I went straight to my room. I put my bags in the closet and plopped on the bed. I put my headphones in and listened to music. I closed my eyes to focus on the music. Ding ding ding. My phone goes off. I looked at it. It was Mark. He was calling me. I ignored it. I put my phone on do not disturb and continued to listen to music. Relaxing the day and wondering why am I like this. I open my eyes pause my music with many notifications from Mark. I leave my phone in my room and went downstairs to eat. "What you making?" I asked my aunt Debra. "Some green bean casserole." She said. I made a give me face. I heard a knock. Debra went to the door. She opened it. I went to sit at the counter. "How did you get out so fast?" I hear some one say. I turn my head. "Dean really?" I said with a sigh. He gave me a hug. "How many calls?" "Too many to count. At least 70 calls and over 100 text messages. Did I look at them? No I didn't." "Emily tell me what's going on?" I gulped. "Well, first of all Mark doesn't needing to be dealing with my shit and have you seen him look the way at other girls?" I said. "Emily, Mark is here." Said my uncle. I ran to my room. I shut my door and locked it. I heard Mark asking where I was. I heard Dean say my room. Mark calmly walked upstairs. He knocked at my door. "Who is it?" I asked. "Mark" he said. I unlocked my door. He came in as I walked to my bed. He shut my door. He turned around and looked at me with seriousness. "Why did you do that?" He asked. "Did what?" "Just left.". I was thinking really hard of how I could explain. "Why just why Emily? Was it about yesterday?" He asked with curiosity. I nodded. I started to cry a little. He just stood there. There was silence in the room. "I don't want you to see me go through this, I can handle this myself. I just don't want you to go through this stuff with me this is stuff I have gotten into myself." I said staring at the ground. "There's something else too..." he said. That's when I started balling. He came to my bed and tried to hug me but I pushed away. I got up and told him "you know what you did.". I left the room. I went outside got on the four wheeler and went to the middle of the field and rode till I let the pain all go away.

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