Long Day

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The next morning I slept like a baby. Never woke up once. Mark was already downstairs with my uncle and Dean working out. My TV was on so I just watched a little Guy's Grocery Game. I laid there thinking about my past since I tend to do that alot lately. I really miss my father. He is my best friend. He is always there for me and supports me all the time. I heard footsteps in the hallway. "Hey Em, breakfast is ready." said Aunt Debra. I nodded. She helped me get up and downstairs to eat. Debra knew that I wanted something small to eat, so I just had a small bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I didn't have a bad headache at the moment. Just a little one. Debra sat next me. After eating for a bit we hear the 3 hooligans come in from there workout. "YOU ARE FUCKING WEAK!!"said Uncle Steve "NO THE FUCK I AM NOT STEVE!!"said Dean "WILL YOU TWO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! YOU BOTH ARE WEAK!!!" said Mark. I shook my head and laughed. "No, this is the strongest one." said Mark coming to me to give me a hug. We both kissed. Dean said "That is straight up facts.". I chuckled. They got their breakfast. I finished my cereal. Mark sat on the other side of me. Everyone was talking except for me. I really didn't feel like talking my brain off and get a massive headache. All of a sudden the door bell rang. "I'll get it" said Debra. I looked at Mark worried. The boys kept talking. Debra came in with a dissapointed face. My mother and Steve (a.k.a Sting) came in. "Oh god...." I said under my breath. Mark held me close. Uncle Steve looked furious that my mother and her husband had the guts to show up to his house well now my house also. Dean was angry also. Mark was mad but he wanted to stay calm to help me stay calm. I was shaking. "Let's go to the living room and talk this out." Said my mom. I looked at Mark. My so called mom and Steve went into the living room. My uncle and aunt did too. I looked at Dean. "I'll go in there to see what she has to say, but if it includes me i'm going to lose it." said Dean. Dean got up and went into the living room. I sighed. "Let's go." I told Mark. He helped me up and we slowly walked into the living room. We got to the couch. I was dizzy from walking a bit but I was better when I sat down. I looked at my mother. "Emily, I have some bad news for you." said my mom. I looked at her with a curious face. "Your father is in the hospital. He had a heart attack.". My eyes were wide. I can't believe that I am being told that by my mother who signed me off. I looked at Dean. His eyes were wide too. "How do you know this?" I asked mom. "Your grandmother told me. She wanted me to tell you." said mom with a very weak voice has she was about to cry. I was on the verge of tears too. I nodded my head. My mom and Steve got up and left. We waited till we heared the door shut. Tears started coming out. I took deep breathes. Mark held me close to him. "Welp it's been a long day hasn't it?" said uncle Steve. Everyone agreed. I laid down on the couch with tears still coming. Mark rubbed my back and gave me a kiss on the cheek. We just sat there for 30 minutes. We sat there watching espn. "Mark, I forgot to show you the new side by side." said Uncle Steve. Mark looked at me like he was asking permission to go. I nodded my head for him to go. They both got up. Mark gave me a kiss. They both left to the barn. Aunt Debra came and sat beside me. "Em, are you hungry?" she asked. I nodded my head. She went to the kitchen. Dean was still sitting the recliner next to my uncles. "Dean?" "Yeah?" " Why does mom have to leave us like this?" "I wish I knew." "You and me both Dean. You and me both." I took a deep breath. I reached for the remote. After struggling to get it, I finally got it. I turned the tv to food network. Diner, Drive-ins, and Dives. Dean came and sat next to me. We both watched this as we both watched "Triple D". I slowly fell asleep.

(In the dream)
I was the in locker room. Just sitting there. I was watching the tv. Uncle Steve and Mark having a match. This was a no holds barred match. Of course, both of them beating the shit out of each other. I looked down to my feet. I was in shock. I see a bump. Was it my stomach? Am I pregnant? I put both hands to my stomach. "I am literally pregnant." I said with shock. I looked at my hands. I had a ring on my left ring finger. I hurrily grabbed my phone. I looked at the lock screen. It was Mark and I holding a sonogram of our baby. Wait, so my last night is Calaway. I heard the door open. It was Brock Lesnar with a chair. He came running after me with the chair held about his head.

(Back to reality)
I shot straight up. I looked around. Dean looked at me worried. I was hyperventalating. "Em? You ok?" I looked at Dean. "Yeah. Sorry, just a bad dream." I laid down again. Aunt Debra brought he food out to us. Just some spaghetti but I have alfredo sauce on mine. After I just laid down I sat back up. I started eating. I heard the door open. Must be the lovers. Yep, It was. "Look the Ranger was a good one" said Uncle Steve. Mark nodded his head laughing. I looked at them smiling. Mark looked at me smiling. "What the hell! Are you serious?!" yelled Uncle Steve. We all laughed. "Well of course dear. You were to busy looking at your babies. I'm joking there is some left in the kitchen" said Aunt Debra. He laughed and smile and gave Uncle Steve a kiss. "Mark, are you hungry?" asked Aunt Debra. Mark said smiling " I am not at the moment and plus I don't think this beautiful girl won't finish her food." I nodded my head knowing that was very true. He sat next to me almost cuddling me I took my last bite and gave him my spaghetti. He basically inhaled all of that. I looked at him like he was crazy. He smiled at me. I had to smile because his smile was very contagious. He always find ways to make me smile. I kissed him. He got up and put the plate into the kitchen and came back. He laid down. He brought me closer to him. "Cuddle time." said Mark very happy. "About time." I said giggling. He chuckled and kissed me on the forehead. We laid there for a few hours. Switched from show to show. Dinner was ready. It was Green Bean Casserole and good ass turkey. Feels like thanksgiving. I had a little turkey and not that much of the green bean casserole. 30 minutes later everyone was done. It was 7:30pm. "Hun, can we go to the swing?" I asked Mark. Mark smiled and nodded. We got up him on my side for balance. We finally made it outside to the swing. I got on there then he. He actually brought us a blanket so it can keep us warm. This was settling. It was a chilly breeze but the sky of the sunset. I could watch that for hours. Him and I just layed there watching the sun. Dean came out. He sat in one of the chairs next to the swing. "I wonder how dad is doing?" I said. Dean said, "Em, you know he is a strong person. I'm hoping he will be ok. We all are but let's just hope the best for him.". I nodded in agreement. My eyes were started to get heavy. Mark saw that they were getting heavy too. He rubbed my back and kissed me on the forehead. I fell asleep five minutes later. Maybe an hour later, Mark woke me up so we can go to my room to go to bed. After struggling to get to my room Mark just picked me up and took me to my room. He put me down. I finally was awake enough to walk. "I'm gonna get changed." I told Mark. " Ok darlin. Just open the door when you are done." He said. Mark closed my door. I went to my closet and pulled out a long sleeve shirt and fuzzy long pj pants. I got changed slowly and carefully. I put my dirty clothes in my laundry basket of clothes that need washed. I opened the door. I walked to the bed. I turned the tv on. Beat Bobby Flay. One of my favorites. Mark came in two minutes after I opened the door. He layed down snuggled against me. I put my head on his chest. His arm around my waist. I fell asleep 10 minutes after watching tv. Mark gave me a kiss on the forehead. All I did was smile. I woke up at 1:30am. Just all of a sudden. I was confused why I was awake. Welp now I'm starting to figure it out. My head and stomach was starting to really get to me. I looked to see if Mark was awake. He wasn't. "Mark. Markkkkkkk" I said while rubbing his arm to try to wake him up. He slowly opened his eyes. He looked at me. "Darlin, whats wrong?" "Can you or go with me to get some ibuprofen? I really need some." "Let me guess head?" "and stomach." Mark yawned and got up and went to go ibuprofen for me. Two minutes later he came back. I sat up. He went to my side of the bed and handed me two ibuprofen. He also gave me a kiss on the cheek. I grabbed my water. I put the ibuprofen into my mouth and started drinking my water. I took a deep breath after I swallowed the pills. I looked at him with a smile. "Thank you so much my love. I'm sorry I woke you up love." "Hey, I'm glad you woke me up. You know I'll do anything for you. Would you like my sweatshirt?" I nodded my head. Well of course I would take his sweatshirt. He handed me his plain black sweatshirt. I put it on has he was getting into my bed. Once I finally got it on I cuddled up next to him. Him and I were spooning. I fell back asleep after five minutes and Mark shortly after.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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