Chapter 3 The Bullies of the University

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after lunch i was going to my next class. when some boys that was bigger than i was had cornered me and pinned me up against the lockers. the boys called them selves the Murphy boys. they ordered me to give them my money and when i didn't one of them had grabbed me by the throat i fought to get away from him. but i couldn't i could feel my heart racing and i knew what was going to happen. the other boy had took my heart medicine said aww do you want this outlaw? the other two boys held my arms so i couldn't fight them. and one of them said why don't you go back to where you came from. another one said you are nothing but an outlaw and you did belong here in modern times you don't deserve a second chance at life.  the leader of the gang of boys pulls out his knife and cut my shirt open and started to cut my chest open. i screamed in pain and one of hits me very hard in the stomach and i fall to the floor and they start kicking me. professor Talbot had heard what was going on and comes running out of his class room and yells at them to stop and leave me alone. the gang of boys ran off professor Talbot comes running up to me and asks me if i am right. i couldn't answer him because i was trying to catch my breath and praying that my heart didn't give out on me. Charley ran up to me and gave me a bottle of water and my heart medicine and helped professor Talbot carry me to his office. i slowly started calming down and my heart started beating normal again. the cut on my chest wasn't deep but my shirt was ruined. but professor Talbot had bought me a new shirt to replace the shirt that was ruined. and the last that i had heard that those bullies where sent to a different university. that great news for me

i will write more later

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