Chapter 7 Memories from the Past

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i sat in Pat's office looking through my things. when i came across of some very old pictures and papers. my mind goes back to the past back to the old west back to the 1800's. as i looked through them a tear rolls down my cheek. i missed those times and i could feel my heart breaking. even though i am ugly in every picture that was made of me. i smiled a little i found myself lost in a day dream. i have adjusted a little to modern times i will always miss the old west the 1800's. as look through these memories my dog a bull terrier named Josh laid beside me with his head on my lap looking at me. i found a picture of my dear mother. i held it and whispered mamma i miss you and i wish that you were here with me. Josh must have heard me he looked up me and whined a little. i smiled a little. i kept looking through my things. and remembering the past and wishing that i was back in the past. i found a picture of me and my baby brother Joe. i will put what i had found in this chapter.

 i will put what i had found in this chapter

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here is my old wanted poster from my past. i am ugly in this wanted poster ain't i. but i still miss the past so much.

here is another ugly picture of me

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here is another ugly picture of me. i guess time changes everything that it touches.

 i guess time changes everything that it touches

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this is a picture of me and my brother Joe. i haven't seen or heard from Joe in very long time well since my stepfather had took him with him when he left town for Arizona after my mother died.

 i haven't seen or heard from Joe in very long time well since my stepfather had took him with him when he left town for Arizona after my mother died

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this is a picture of my dear mother. i really miss her she died from tuberculosis. i am don't know if i will ever see her again and i miss her so much

this is a picture of me here in modern times

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this is a picture of me here in modern times. i am 17 years old in this picture of me in modern times. so it is very true that time changes everything that it touches. maybe this life will be better but i don't know.

i had to put my old memories away and get ready to go to work for sheriff Pat Garrett at his eating place called Garrett's place. but i wasn't feeling well but i couldn't not go to work because this job is paying my collage schooling. and after to work i have to get ready to go to class. i don't want to be late for class. i know that my other professors understand why i am late to class. but i am not sure that professor Hickok quiet understands the reason why i am late to his class. as i got ready for work i started feel dizzy so i sat down in the chair at Pat's desk. Pat came in to see if i was alright. i told Pat that i was alright i was just a little dizzy. Pat tells me to rest for a little while. the dizziness passes and i finish getting ready for work. 

i will write more later

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